Why you should own a ZTX Home

What it means to become a ZTX District Home holder

ZTX Official
5 min readFeb 17, 2023


2023 is about to be a big year.

And at ZTX, we are more thrilled than ever about what we’re building.

In the coming months, we’ll be rolling out some of our core initiatives including the Avatar Builder, the first Wearable Collection as well as the highly anticipated Beta launch featuring the ZTX open-world experience.

But before all of this, we’ll be kicking off the ZTX ecosystem with a special mint for our early supporters — the ZTX Genesis Home Mint.

What Is The ZTX Genesis Home Mint?

The ZTX Genesis Home Mint is our gift to early community members and supporters of ZTX. It will be comprised of 4,000 unique District Homes — customizable & immersive in-game assets that come with some additional utility such as gameplay boosts.

The District Homes will also act as a ticket for holders to join a District where they can help govern parts of ZTX and contribute to making decisions on how ZTX evolves.

In brief, the Genesis Home Mint will be your best opportunity to become a part of the grand ZTX journey from the very beginning.

Quick Facts

  • Where: Coming soon
  • What: 4,000 unique District Homes
  • When: Q3 2023
  • Price: To reveal closer to the mint
  • Utility: Tons!

Deep Dive

Where: Coming soon

What: 4,000 bespoke District Homes will be available for minting. Each District Home will have a set of unique traits, with the most important one being its District.

Each ZTX District will offer its own aesthetics and economy. We will initially have four Districts (Financial, Fashion, Arts and Games) and each District will be assigned 1,000 District Homes that provide holders access to their respective District governance.

Utility, Utility, Utility… & More Utility!

Question of the hour: Why own a ZTX District Home? What are the benefits? (Disclaimer: Some of the features below will be revealed at Beta launch, while others will come later)

  • Immersive & Useable — Upon Beta launch, the District Home that you own will be your actual Home in ZTX. As a holder, you’ll be able to enjoy unique in-game traits that could include companions, billboards, additional land slots and more. Further details will follow in the coming weeks. Welcome to your Home in ZTX.
  • Social — Invite friends over to your District Home and show off its unique look & feel, challenge them to some backyard sports, or host a pool party. Your District Home is also a place for socializing.
  • Boost to Game Economy — You get to enjoy boosts to the game economy by owning a District Home. It will be an economic engine, opening new & unique options for additional in-game play. We’ll be publishing a gameplay overview blog post soon which will highlight how becoming a ZTX Homeowner will put you ahead of the game. Stay tuned.
  • District Governance — Gain access to one of the four District governance, each with its own Downtown area and treasury. Propose and vote on ideas that have an impact and see your District flourish.

Example: Let’s imagine you mint a Games District Home. Or maybe buy it on the secondary. As a Games District Homeowner, you become a DAO member of the Games District. You might propose a new game to be added to the District experiences. If your proposal is approved, the DAO can vote to hire a designer and a game developer. Once launched, your District can make the experience gated for all ZTX players when they enter the game. As more ZTX players play your game, your DAO can choose to recognize your idea and provide you with a gift, which you can split between all of the members, and keep the rest for further project funding development.

Check out our ZTX: Land, Districts & Downtowns blog for more details.

  • OG Community — Join the community of the earliest ZTX supporters (the OGs) with rewards unlocking as ZTX grows. Become one of the first settlers.
  • Unique 3D Art — Last but not least, each District Home will be one-of-a-kind, bespoke 3D-modeled artwork tradable on secondaries. The Genesis traits will be unique, making these early Homes a prized collectible as ZTX develops.

YES, You’re Early

While there’ll be opportunities to get involved leading up to our Beta launch, nothing sounds quite like being one of the first ZTX District Home holders. And not just any NFT, but the very first Genesis Homes that will be used inside of ZTX, unlock benefits and give you access to District governance.

We’ll start sharing sneak peeks of the District Homes in the coming weeks with more exciting artwork revealed as we get closer to the ZTX Genesis Home Mint. To get in early, make sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates & head over to our Discord to participate in our ZTXP hunt.

If you are a content creator, keep an eye out for submissions of ZTX-inspired content with ZTX Home List spots awaiting the winners. The first ZTX Fan Art Challenge is already out — join us and share your vision of a metaverse Home on our Twitter! We’re excited for you guys to join us in our journey toward building a metaverse for all.

Thanks for reading today’s post. We hope you enjoyed our content.

Want to learn more about us?

  • Visit our website at ZTX.io to sign up for early Beta access
  • Do a deep dive into ZTX by reading our litepaper
  • Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates
  • Join Discord to become a part of the ZTX community

** This post has been updated to reflect internal developments



ZTX Official

Empowering creators and communities to build, play and earn. Get access at http://ZTX.io