10 Things We Know About Performance Reviews

From Twitter

Jessica Phan
Zugata Inc.
2 min readMay 3, 2016


This post was originally posted on December 7, 2015 on Zugata.com

Source: http://www.humanresourcesnh.com/

It’s that time of the year. No, it’s not just Christmas, but it’s the dreaded performance review season. We’ve been skimming Twitter to see what people are saying about performance reviews and the sentiment is consistent — performance reviews as a concept is past its expiration date. Here is our top 10 tweets related to this topic. Enjoy it, but more importantly, ditch annual performance reviews in lieu of more continuous feedback.

10. It’s a waste of time.

I hate performance reviews. If you want me to change something, tell me. If you’re going to fire me, do it. I don’t have time for this.

— Ben (@WeightedDreidel) November 24, 2015

09. It’s pointless.

For the record, I really hate performance reviews and think they are pointless. My nerves are shot b/c of it. Ugh.

— Lauren W. (@iamlaurenp) October 16, 2015

08. It’s uncomfortable.

Why do performance reviews always give me anxiety? It’s like getting a shot and being scared of needles.

— Loved1 (@daLoved1) August 21, 2015

07. It’s annoying.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate performance reviews? Writing them is irksome, and the whole process sends my anxiety through the roof.

— Chestnut’s Roasting (@ggchestnut) August 23, 2015

06. It’s a headache.

Performance review time so basically my head is literally spinning in circles.

— Leah (@leahrebus) November 20, 2015

05. It’s a whole lot of work.

My performance review is currently 50% things in my job description and 50%

Nick Nichols (@mcjdonovan) November 25, 2015

04. Employees obviously hate them.

one of the things I hate about this time of year are performance reviews at work…

— Jenny Jones (@Kitty_has_Klaws) November 25, 2015

03. And they rather be waterboarded.

Am starting the 7th employee review I’ve written in the last 48 hours. Trying to decide whether I’d rather be waterboarded.

— Emily Greer (@EmilyG) February 17, 2015

02. Or they rather die.

It’s performance review season, or as I call it, I hate myself and I want to die season.

— Vodka Time (@VodkaTiem) September 14, 2015

01. Overall, what she said. ⬇

Performance reviews are the most time-wasting, energy-sapping, engagement-destroying part of corporate life. Merry xmas everyone, have a 3/5

— Mandy Simpson (@mandysimpson) November 26, 2015

Originally published by Founding Designer, Jessica Phan at www.zugata.com.



Jessica Phan
Zugata Inc.

Head of Design @Opensea • Occasional Illustrator • ENFP • Mama of 2 • Lefty • Matcha Lover • Founder @hathorwayshop • Cool Cat #9760