A comeback story 🙂

Mohamed Zulfakhar
Zulfi’s Tech Talk
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

I am making a comeback to this space. Throughout 2020, I’d come to the realization that I had to write down my thoughts and share it with people who may be interested in reading it. Twitter can’t handle my thoughts beyond 280 characters and I hate to do a thread about any topics. 2021 is here and I have taken a long break from writing. So I am back here again. I am gonna change up some things for this year:

  • The goal for this publication will be to publish 1 article at the minimum on a weekly basis.
  • Topics will be anything Technology.
  • Extensive research and sharing the amazing resources with every article of mine.
Sorta feeling like this right now….. :)
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash (sorta feeling like this as I write 🙃)

Also, I am not going to be acting like a sheep (gotta admit that I love Apple🤓). I am going to call out companies if I find it unfair and just dumb (sorry Facebook and partners🙂).

If you ever have any feedback or suggestions do not refrain from commenting on the stories. I appreciate it all. So let’s kick it off then? This week, let’s do something simple. The controversy of the Australian law to make Google & Facebook pay publishers. This ain't easy but I will try to make it simple for all of us to understand 😄

Follow me on Twitter to see my tweets (rants & appreciation of random things) : https://twitter.com/mohamedzulf

