The “Niche Myth” Is the Biggest Lie Told to Beginner Bloggers

Your blog’s microniche is harming your profitability and views.

Zulie Rane
Zulie Writes


woman sits at laptop, looking at it with a pen in her mouth. She is taking notes.
Image via Ivan Samkov on Pexels

New bloggers will start looking for blog niche ideas in 2021, just like they have been since blogging started. But nobody talks about the dangers of niching. Most content on the subject tells you that you need a blogging niche, or discusses which is the best profitable niche for blogging. This is semi-true — a niche establishes authority and builds a consistent audience — but leaves out a huge amount of potentially risky downsides of niching.

For people asking themselves, “Do I need a blogging niche?” it’s worth understanding the benefits and the downsides.

One of my favorite YouTubers, Annie Dubé, grew a huge YouTube following and income by creating hyper-targeted videos on how to perform well on YouTube. I watched 5 of her videos, loved them, and stopped because I found that while her content was excellent, it was repetitive. She covered SEO, thumbnails, titles, and the algorithm. And then she covered them again in slightly different ways. And again, and again. (You can see her full playlist here. I recommend it, at least once!)

I was therefore not surprised when she announced that she was stepping away from the YouTube YouTubing niche she’d previously…



Zulie Rane
Zulie Writes

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.