An Acrostic Pen Name

Zoe Odyssey (A Pen Name)
Zulie’s Writing Challenge
2 min readNov 24, 2021


Name tag with words “Hello my name is Zoe Odyssey”
Image created by author on Canva

Day 6 of a writing challenge during National Novel Writing Month in November 2021.

This may be a pen name, but these adjectives describe the girl behind the pen name to a T.

Z is for Zen. A state of being she ATTEMPTS to stay in.
O is for Ohm. A sound she uses for the win.
E is for Empathetic. It’s a superpower to some.

O is for Observant. A trait she’s used since day one.
D is for Dauntless. One day she’ll get there, that’ll be fun.
Y is for Youthful. It helps to work with children this whole time.
S is for Splendiferous, because that word just sounds sublime.
S is also for Spiritual. That is NEVER up for debate.
E is for Easygoing. Is that some kind of positive trait?
Y do I have to locate a describing word with Y?
At first, this acrostic poem seemed easy, then I got to THIS letter (sigh).
I began to google to see what I can find on the web.
Starting out there was lots of Flow, and now, it’s a little more Ebb.

I’ll just try this again…

Y is for “YES! I DID IT!” I can do ANYTHING!

As humans, let’s gravitate towards doing things that make our Heart SING!



Zoe Odyssey (A Pen Name)
Zulie’s Writing Challenge

Mother to 3 and a wife to 1. Preschool Teaching Behavior Therapist turned writer in the pursuit of happiness. True Stories, Spiritual Fantasy, Poetry & more.