The Goal Was Writing Daily…NOT Posting Daily

Zoe Odyssey (A Pen Name)
Zulie’s Writing Challenge
3 min readNov 19, 2021


Open planner with hand holding pen the words ‘my plan’ written on page.
Photo from Pixabay

Day 3 of a writing challenge during National Novel Writing Month in November 2021.

I accepted a daily WRITING challenge, not a daily POSTING challenge.
Technically it is day 18 of the writing challenge and this is my 3rd post. Today, I‘m celebrating an 18 day in a row WIN.
The downside to this process is that I will be bombarding my email subscribers with a ton of articles at once as I get them all published by the end of November.
Thank You for sticking around, all 2 of you! *insert smiley emoji face here*

The ACTUAL challenge of this writing challenge is finding quiet time to write and get all these swirling thoughts out of the vortex that is my mind and onto paper or computer screen.
That actually got me thinking and realizing how many drafts I have unpublished on this very site.
Twenty-seven, in case you were wondering.

Does length matter?

When I say that some (most) of my daily journal entries are sentences, I ask myself, “Is that ALL? Notebooks full of writings and a sentence is all for today?”
Disappointment settles in like the family coming over for Thanksgiving dinner and the turkey is dry.
Now I feel like I have to impress myself or lower my standards.

Attempts were made to push all intrusive thoughts out of my mind. I decided to open the journal I have been writing in to type up whatever I have written there. I am choosing not to edit and type whatever it says in its raw form.
This will be a bit of a shorter post, but it’s still a post and it still counts.


That is what the title of that day was, just the date. To my surprise, I had two pages with 11/3 written at the top and both didn’t even reach the middle of the composition book page. It really wasn’t surprising because I constantly go back and reread what I wrote and sometimes not even remembering what I wrote. I only knew that I wrote what I was reading because it was in my handwriting and was staring at me straight to my Soul.

I suddenly didn’t want to post what I wrote.

The reason was because it was a tidbit from a video I was watching that day.
You see, the videos I enjoy watching are what I call my real-life Sci-Fi Fantasy genre videos, except it’s listening to the words of actual people taking about actual life event. At times, they are influencers complete with a following and what they speak about is straight out of a fantasy book series.
Right up my alley.

Just breathe and post it

At this point, if I don’t post this then I might as well be done with this whole challenge. I am saying that because these daily posts are the tip of the iceberg of what is known as The Trilogy. A Spiritual Fact Based Fantasy Action Adventure. GEEZ, that sounds ridiculous, I still have no idea how to genre The Trilogy.
Does it have to be put in a genre?
I suppose so.

Well, here goes nothing!
Some light context to this first journal entry is that I was scrolling through videos on one of those social media apps and a video caught my attention.
I find it super interesting these days that Spiritual based content on social media apps is growing and simultaneously being censored.
Things that make you go, “Hmmmm…”.

While scrolling this day, I began watching a woman who mentioned that she connects with Angels and other benevolent beings. She said a whole bunch of other things as well, but that is a whole other tangent and we’re just not here for that…yet.

The Entries

“As you come into the Age of Light, worlds will open up you never knew existed.” -The Pleideans

Spoken from Michelle Ingram8 on a social media app.

The other journal entry is slightly longer and comes from my own mind.
Well, here goes NOTHING!!!

“We deactivated a reactivation.
It’s Life.
Is it a dream or REALality?
The Strife of
not knowing if we’re coming or going.
It all makes me want to grab an Energetic Knife…and cut a Wrinkle in Time…”



Zoe Odyssey (A Pen Name)
Zulie’s Writing Challenge

Mother to 3 and a wife to 1. Preschool Teaching Behavior Therapist turned writer in the pursuit of happiness. True Stories, Spiritual Fantasy, Poetry & more.