Zulu Republic Welcomes Litevault

Zulu Republic Team
Zulu Republic
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018

Zulu Republic is proud to announce that we’ve acquired the Litevault Litecoin web wallet, and are extending our commitment to open borderless finance to the Litecoin ecosystem.

Built on a philosophy of transparency and simplicity, Litevault offers secure, easy, private access to Litecoin for anyone with an internet connection, without the need for any additional software and regardless of device.

Zulu Republic is based in Zug, Switzerland, and is guided by the values of privacy, transparency, and quality.

Litevault, welcome to the Zulu Republic. We are honoured to have you.

So what happens now?

In the next two weeks, we’ll begin migrating Litevault and all of its 100k+ users to our servers, where we’ll be able to make direct updates to the service in the coming months. We‘ll make sure this process is as quick and seamless as possible to avoid any interruptions.

In the meantime, those currently using Litevault don’t need to do anything. We’ll make the transition and inform everyone when the migration process is complete.

The Future

In the coming months we’ll take Litevault to the next level, bringing many new improvements while keeping the core experience intact. As always, users will remain at the center of the Litevault experience, maintaining full control over their assets.

Franklyn Richards, director of the Litecoin Foundation, is also joining us as Head of Product Development for our Litecoin division, where he’ll lead future development and direction.

So, what do users have to look forward to?

Our priority is to finish the updates that were already being developed for Litevault 2.0, including Segwit support and an improved site API that will patch some issues that were reported by users. We’re also redesigning the site to streamline the UI/UX across all devices, and implementing a state of the art 24/7 support system so we can better handle user requests, provide quick, effective solutions, and manage the current backlog.

We currently have no plans to extend support of Litevault to any other digital assets besides Litecoin.

We welcome any feedback on how we can provide an even better financial service for everyone, and thank you Litevault for joining us on this effort.

