How to Mint Your CryptoZunks ZPet Companion NFT

Dev | 0x
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2021

This guide will show you how to mint your ZPet.

Due to the unprecedented recent demand for CryptoZunks many people have joined the Zunks Discord. This has lead to many questions regarding how to mint a ZPet or what a ZPet is. Zpet’s are companion NFT’s which can be minted only by a holder of a CryptoZunk. One ZPet is available per Zunk. If a holder of a Zunk has previously minted a ZPet then a new holder of that Zunk is unable to mint a ZPet for that Zunk ever again. There are 10,000 Zunk’s and 10,000 ZPet’s.

Visit the CryptoZunk’s website. Your screen should look like this:

Connect your Ethereum MetaMask wallet to CryptoZunks by clicking on the orange button towards the left hand side of the screen. After connecting your MetaMask wallet you should see your page change to this:

Below the white box which says “SOLD OUT” you will see 4 black square icons. The second box from the left says “Zunk Vault”. Click on this and it will show you the following screen:

On this page you will see your Zunk and ZPet categories. Click on one of your CryptoZunk’s. It will show you this screen:

On the top right corner of your CryptoZunk’s NFT it says “Mint ZPet”. Clicking on this will open the MetaMask window which will ask you to confirm the transaction to mint a ZPet.

“Your ZPet is getting ready” is displayed at the bottom information bar. After a few seconds you will see the text change to “Your ZPet is ready”.

Click the “Open” button and you will be directed to this screen:

On this page you will click the big red “Reveal” button. This will bring you to this “Spinning” screen which is a real time spin of attributes for your ZPet.

After spinning has been completed you will be shown your ZPet and it’s attribute count as well as skin type and animal type. You are also greeted with the red “Replay” button on the top left of your ZPet which allows you to relive the spinning moment. It is a snazzy animation!

You’re done! Your ZPet has been minted on-chain. Your ZPet token ID is the same as the token ID of your CryptoZunk.


You may have also noticed a red “reroll” button on the top right of your ZPet. This allows you to reroll for new attributes on your ZPet. Doing this will require an additional gas fee per roll. If you click on the reroll button it will ask you to confirm the transaction on MetaMask again. After your transaction has been confirmed on-chain you may be prompted to refresh your page. Do so. This will show you your new version of your ZPet.

You may reroll your ZPet as many times as you’d like until you receive one you’re happy with! There are no time limits for minting your ZPet. They will be available forever to be minted by holders of Zunk’s that have never minted a ZPet before. The one caveat is that once you mint your ZPet for the first time you only have 24 hours to reroll. Once 24 hours have elapsed your ZPet’s metadata will be locked on the blockchain and a reroll is not possible after this.

I am 0xIntensity. I am one of the newly appointed Community Team members for CryptoZunk’s. I will continue to write more stories and guides about CryptoZunk’s over the coming days. I am not a full time team member, simply a volunteer right now. This blog post costed me 2 hours of my time and $121 for the ZPet Mint, $81 for the first reroll, and $39 for the second reroll for a total of ~241 $USD in ETH. I would appreciate a follow on Twitter @0xIntensity if you found this guide useful. A follow on Medium would not hurt as well! Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I hope you’ve found it useful in some way.


Official CryptoZunk’s Links:



OpenSea CryptoZunks Collection:

OpenSea ZPets Collection:



Dev | 0x
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Entrepreneur. Crypto Investor. Social Media expert. Business Owner. Car Enthusiast.