Zuzana Galova
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2023

Topic: Money
Timeframe: 02/10/23–23/11/23
Team: R.Hodge, R.Suri, T.Singh & Myself


(definitely feels like more than) 8 weeks in, I can proudly say — we have arrived, and I am happy with how the fmp turned out in all respects, truly.

the final piece reflects who we are as designers and what we care about — people, lived experience, micro perspectives on a macro problem — and engages with my two favourite things, material and personal narratives.

the journey has been ual-level challenging, incredibly rewarding and a wonderful learning moment, which i have been told is the best kind. (it is). i have also learned that failure, like everything in design and life, is just painstakingly subjective so as far as i am concerned, as long as you keep going, all is well. but also, are you doing enough if you never fail?

my personal design practice …

  • has developed immensely over the past 12 months, through the generosity and love of my cohort and the undying vote of confidence from my tutors; over the past 8 weeks especially, all of this was stress-tested, stretched, rained on and beat to near-death, but it made me smarter and more resilient and more confident that no challenge is insurmountable, so hey, all good.
  • grew through the ups and downs of collaboration; i have come to know the importance of learning and flexibility in the face of your past experience and professional background. and while many would have felt uprooted by the repeated failure, i see now how much it benefited me, in that it expanded my capacity to continuously adapt around change and challenge. both valuable additions to my creative professional toolbox.
  • emerged out of its cocoon, and summarised within an inch of its life, looks something like this — get inspired everywhere. leap first, try everything, test early and fail plenty. make your thoughts happen. the worst prototype is better than the best idea, because it can be tested. never stop learning. trust your gut. make decisions.

UAL GRADUATE SHOWCASE (5th-9th of December 2023)

For UAL 's annual design school graduate showcase, we expanded one of our probes into an interactive exhibition piece.

We designed an interactive piece, which prompts people to describe the person behind the purchases, questioning, how money co-creates identity, social relationships and value-judgement.

Press a button and a mini-printer gifts you a receipt with a set of purchases and a prompt at the bottom. Who is this person? What do their purchases reveal about them? What does your narrative about this person reveal about you?

participant A: “receipts tell stories about a distinct moment in a person’s life”
credit to bex, for single-handedly programming and soldering the mini-printer
filled in receipts from our generous participants

At the time of fmp hand-in, we are two days into the 2023 design school grad show, and so far, it is a colossal success. Honest.

05.12.2023 — opening night of the 2023 design school graduate showcase

MAUX has always been an incredibly generous and collaborative space and it was no different when it came to organising the show. Website, communication, curation and build were all organised and executed by us, the MAUX2023 cohort. My humble contribution was making sure that everyone’s star shines as brightly as possible — I took responsibility for the collection and curation of personal bios and project descriptions. I created the space, shared some examples, supported fellow designers by helping them polish their narrative, monitored timely completion and (as of several weeks ago) successfully collected all 41!

That's all folks.



Zuzana Galova
Editor for

UX Design postgraduate student based in London, currently manufacturing experiences at Universtity of the Arts London.