ZV Chain’s Wallet Upgrade | Mobile Staking Pool Feature Online

ZVC Team
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2019

ZV Chain’s MainNetwork has attracted nearly 3,000 staking nodes to join in the network. Along with the increasing attention towards staking, ZV Chain has launched the “Mobile Staking Pool” feature, which indicate lending token to staking pool to allow the delegates to run the miner program, hence ensuring the long term interests and reward for ZV Chain users.

Mobile Staking Pool Feature Advantage

1. Participate in the “mobile staking pool” to lend ZVC to the mining pool. Based on 20 million ZVC staked, the stability of the block reward production will be greatly improved.

2. “Mobile staking pool” as a new type of staking option, allow users to stake without running the miner program. For example, users can participate in “mobile staking pool” to obtain stable returns,

3. The “Mobile staking pool” will further reduce the participation threshold of ZVC staking, simply done through ZV Wallet Mobile Application.

4. “Mobile staking pool” is expected to have a monthly return rate of 8% (seen in the miner reward calculator at here.

Mobile Staking Pool Reward Revenue

Revenue reward = contribution * mine pool mining total reward. Revenue distribution cycle: 3:00 pm every day GMT+8.

Mobile staking pool operation process

  1. Download ZVChain official wallet — ZV Wallet

2. Go to the “Discovery” page and click on “ PoS Staking”.

3. Select the mining pool to enter, click “add ”, enter the quantity to complete the staking operation.

Note: “Staking” represents the number of ZVCs you have staked, and “Revenue” represents your total income up to the present. Click “Reduced ” to enter the quantity that needs to be returned. Wait 2 days and click “Return”. Revenue withdrawal method: Click “Withdraw” to bring the daily earned ZVC to your own wallet address.

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ZVChain is a decentralized finance blockchain protocol for enterprises — Chiron Consensus Protocol.