ZVC TZVC Program — Community Collection Edition

Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2020


Announcements: TZVC Program Scheme Issue


Since the launch of ZV Chain MainNet, it has continuously been deployed in several countries and regions, with growing community support.

We have received feedback from the community regarding the details of TZVC and begin to make adjustments. We are stepping up the development works of TZVC and collecting feedback about it. Initially, the development was planned to be optimised by April 2020. We will be developing it ahead of schedule, and the development task cycle to be completed ahead of initial schedule. The initial details proposal will be scheduled to out this week, and completed before February 8th (Chinese Lantern Festival). During this time critical and heavy work period, we invite community participation and contribution to TZVC development as well, by contacting us.

ZV Chain strives to be a community-driven blockchain, and we will reward members who contribute outstanding opinions and contributions as recognition.

In the meantime, we will be introducing the TZVC Program initiative to the community, the following program is our first version of our proposal for our community feedbacks.

Phase I Finalisation Period: Before January 10 2020

Description of TZVC (correcting some misunderstanding):

1. 1 ZVC + 1 TZVC convertible to 0.21usdt redemption. All users holding TZVC will be entitled to exercise, not only miners that took part in the genesis program.

2. ZVC Foundation will implement the technical feature for the redemption swap, scheduled 9 months after the launch of ZVC Mainnet.

Technical Implementation: two-way conversion mapping channel

Prior to the redemption period, in order to ensure ZVC community confidence in the value of TZVC, the technical team will implement the technical readiness required for the exercise period in advance. A two-way conversion mapping channel between ETH and ZVChain.

a) After the two-way conversion mapping channel between ETH and ZVChain has been established, user are able to deposit their TZVC in ZV Wallet, once reviewed by the foundation.

b)At the same time, USDT redemption will be reviewed by the foundation. Allowing USDT mapping between user’s ZVChain and ETH address. Paving the way for the subsequent chain DeFi and on-chain financial management applications.

c) Smart contract operation; user can call ZV Chain smart contract to exercise the redemption of USDT on ZV Chain, and able to swap to ETH address via two-way conversion mapping channel.

ZVC Foundation

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