ZVChain MainNet Update: Pruning Network[13/2/2020]

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5 min readFeb 13, 2020

ZVChain using Chiron’s underlying technology has now completed its seventh network update, version number v1.0.7! After nearly 5 months of stable operation, the core technical team of ZVChain responded to the needs of the community. All known vulnerabilities have been fixed. The new version is officially released!

As many miners recognize, the ultimate goal of pruning is to reduce disk space storage. The full-volume ledger data before pruning is 210G, with a daily increase of about 1.5G; the full-volume ledger v1.0.7 is reduced to 15G, and the daily new data size is about 0.2G, which greatly reduces the data storage capacity.

After testing, we obviously found that the reduction of db data indirectly increased the read and write speed of the data, which significantly improved the miner’s income! In the 1.0.7 version, the ZVC technical team also fixed the “db corruption problems caused by special circumstances such as power failure when the disk is reading and writing data, and sudden server downtime”, which can be automatically detected and repaired in this tailored version!

In order to improve the profit of miners, please complete the update as soon as possible according to the following process!

Because ZVChain’s business logic is complex, it needs to obtain historical data when casting new blocks, but Ethereum does not need it. This also determines the different pruning methods and difficulty levels of the two.

The pruning state method of Ethereum is to retain some blocks and delete the historical data of the remaining blocks. ZVChain’s cutting method must not only ensure that historical data is not deleted by mistake but also ensure that disk storage is minimized, which greatly increases the complexity and difficulty. As a result, ZVC CPU usage is reduced, disk reads and writes are accelerated, and the stability of the chain is greatly improved!

The technical difficulty of ZVChain tailoring has far surpassed Ethereum and reached the industry-leading level!

Method to update the ZVC MainNet:

Method 1: “updater” file upgrade methods as follows

Step 1: Check if there is an “updater” file in the “original folder”. If so, first stop the running mining program;

Step 2: Run the “updater” file to complete the upgrade, and continue to run the mining program after the upgrade is complete.

Check the destination file in the “Original Folder”

Method 2: If there is no “updater” file, please complete the upgrade according to the following process

Step 1: Download the latest mining package on the official website and unzip it: https://developer.zvchain.io/#/download

Select a package based on the system

Step 2: Stop the running mining program.

The Mac / Linux system upgrade method is to drag the “gzv” file in the new package into the original folder to overwrite.

The Windows upgrade method is to “gzv” and “p2p_core “.dll” two files into the original folder to overwrite.

The video shows a Mac / Linux system replacement operation demonstration

Step 3: Continue to run the mining program for mining (How to start the mining program for new miners, please refer to the following video, this video uses Windows system as an example).

Advanced notice for RPC

There are nodes with local RPC services enabled. It is recommended to run gzv in non-trimmed mode. If you use trimmed[pruned] mode, some RPC services will not be available. The new version will defaults to pruning mode. The method for switching back to non-pruned mode is as follows:

Modify zv.ini, add [chain]
prune_mode = false

Note: Normal miners can just use the default settings. Non-prune mode is not recommended.

In order to solve the problem of lack of disk space, the following two methods can be used:
1. Directly replace the old version of gzv with v1.0.7, that is, the full ledger of about 210G is retained locally, and the later ledger is tailored data. The db is added about 0.2G per day, and the required disk space is (210G + 0.2G * n, n is the number of days)

2. Open a new node to synchronize from 0 (it takes about 3 days, you can create a new account, you cannot use a formal mining account, otherwise it will be frozen), the synchronization to the highest block db is about 15G, and then log in with your formal mining account, the required disk space is (15G + 0.2G * n, n is the number of days).

Note: Once you use the new version of the pruned mode, you cannot switch back to the old version of the client; The d_small file generated at runtime cannot be deleted.

Program launch: November 2019
1st week: Research and design of the plan. 2nd week: involved in the research and development of scheme one, and design flaws made the final scheme one infeasible. 3rd week: involved in the research and development of scheme one, and design flaws made the final scheme one infeasible. Discuss new schemes and get involved in R & D (Scheme 2). 4th week:R & D is completed and entered the test phase.

Solution test: December 2019
1st week: testing, a design flaw was found to make the final solution two infeasible. 2nd week, the plan was discussed repeatedly, and the third plan was obtained.3rd week, R & D, performance tuning. 4th week, R & D test, performance test.

Final Week: January 2020
1st week: comprehensive functional testing, taking CPU / memory / disk read and write an as an important reference for stability reference. 2nd week: comprehensive testing, and solved the problem of db damage caused by power failure, machine downtime, etc. 3rd week: further optimized based on plan three (plan four). 4th week: present

The research and development process was difficult. Due to the complexity of the bottom layer of ZVChain, multiple solutions were repeatedly overturned. After multiple rounds of testing, the optimal solution was obtained, and the v1.0.7 version was finally completed!



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