ZVChain (ZVC) will be listed — Deposit ZVC and trade for a Bonus Airdrop!

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6 min readMar 20, 2020

ZVChain will be listed on TZF Exchange and open trading for ZVC/USDT on 23rd March 2020. To celebrate ZVC’s listing, from now to the 6th April 2020, 12:00 PM (GMT+8).

1. For the first 5,000,000 ZVC deposited, users will receive a 5% airdrop based on his deposited balance. Example: User deposited amount is 10,000 ZVC, the total amount of user deposited is 1,000,000 ZVC, then A will receive 10,000 * 5% of ZVC reward if this time the total amount of deposit exceed 6,000,000 ZVC, any new deposit made by A will no longer get 5% bonus airdrop.

2. For account balances, equal or more than 100,000 ZVC when the promotional period ends on 6 April 2020, will receive a 5% bonus airdrop based on their balance amount. During this promotional period, users will receive 5% of their deposits, up to 5,000,000 ZVC, as an airdrop incentive.

Following is our AMA transcript on 19th March 2020 17:00 (GMT+8) with TZF Exchange’s Director, CJ as he shared more about listing of ZVChain on their platform, and the strategic direction for building social community exchange.

Brief introduction about yourself.

Thank you for having me here today. As mentioned in the promotional posters, I am CJ, the Asia-Pacific Director for TZF Exchange I are here today to not just promote the upcoming TZF Exchange, but to also get familiar with the ZV Chain community and to establish a permanent relationship with everyone here.

More about myself, I have been a cryptocurrency trader since 2017. I have a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Quantitative Finance. My main interest in cryptocurrency is to look at the big picture view of cryptocurrency tokens, and to analyse them.

What is TZF Exchange?

TZF Exchange is an exchange aimed at bringing cryptocurrency communities together. Think of it as a marketplace of ideas pooled together. The exchange is registered in Gibraltar. We are focused on bringing in promising blockchain projects that have been underserved by cryptocurrency exchanges and offer to link up disparate cryptocurrency communities together.

Why set up a new exchange when there are so many options in the market?

Right now, most project listings have been proven to be very difficult to get into. In order for a new project to take off, there are certain barriers to entry such as high listing fees and complicated listing guidelines. This is an incredibly frustrating development for burgeoning projects, which will no doubt harm the blockchain industry in the long run.

We are looking to change this. I envision TZF Exchange to be a very accessible exchange for all promising projects. As long as the token shows promise and there has been a strong community supporting the token, we will do our best to offer everyone the opportunity to trade that token.

As an exchange focused on the cryptocurrency communities, how does TZF Exchange plan to work with them?

We want to give our users a community-driven trading experience at a cost-competitive rate. To support these communities, TZF Exchange would continuously design incentives to support user and community growth.

Transparency is one of the greatest catalysts in building trust in the system. As such, I would like to keep you guys updated on what is going on with TZF Exchange as well. You can always find the latest updates about the exchange at https://www.tzf.com/home.

May we know who is involved in TZF Exchange?

Our leadership team is a decentralized partnership concept. We have liaison directors stationed worldwide, which is looking to bring in promising blockchain projects from the ground level. We are also looking to bring more blockchain community leaders to support this exchange.

Our technical team in Australia is responsible for building up our exchange from scratch. By building the exchange from the ground-up, we have complete control over technical risks. Users would enjoy our fast, secure exchanges. They are now conducting the final testing phase to make sure that all the trades will be conducted smoothly when we officially open next week.

TZF Exchange is also supported by the blockchain accelerator B-Launch, who has invested heavily in this project. We would like to thank them for their support in providing funding and talent for this project.

We are still looking to grow our team. Currently, we are on the lookout for more advisors with experience and connections to their local cryptocurrency scene. Such advisors would be of value to our goal of building up cryptocurrency communities.

What is TZF Exchange’s strategy to gain a foothold in the exchanges?

As I have mentioned earlier, TZF Exchange is consistently thinking about incentives and methods to promote user and community growth. We take an all-round stakeholder approach in supporting our users, cryptocurrency communities, and cryptocurrency projects.

As a new exchange, we have decided to bring forward an aggressive scheme to rapidly gain new users. Our goal is to reach out to 200,000 users within 3 months.

To this end, TZF Exchange is aiming to list new project tokens and to offer Initial Exchange Offerings to our users. We are looking at listing major cryptocurrencies as well. Right now, we are looking at listing EOS, BSV, and LTC in the near future. All in all, we aim to release a new listing every 1–2 weeks. We will reveal to you guys whenever a new listing is ready.

TZF Exchange is also planning to create and support staking pools for POS tokens that are listed on our exchanges. This would allow users to receive staking returns from the pool.

The real challenge for new exchanges is volume & liquidity, which results in slippage in trades. How will TZF Exchange resolve this?

Slippages in trading would only be a significant issue during black swan market events. For example, last week, the sudden spike in futures liquidation orders in BitMEX, leading to two sudden drops in cryptocurrency prices, which has contributed to the largest one-day fall in the cryptocurrency markets.

While slippages may be unavoidable due to the volatility of the markets, its risks can be managed. TZF Exchange have made strategic partnerships with the top market makers to have them provide liquidity for us for no trading costs.

For new, promising tokens that lack access to market makers, we could introduce to them our market makers contacts. Before new tokens are listed, we will assess any potential liquidity risks to ensure that there will be enough liquidity in the exchange, preventing any unnecessary slippage.

Can we know more about ZV Chain’s listing on TZF Exchange?

We are happy to have ZVC to be one of the first tokens to list on TZF Exchange. As a cryptocurrency project with a strong community and a clear vision of their future plans, they are definitely a good token to trade with. With that said, we are still aiming to list top-quality project tokens for our users to trade with.

To celebrate ZVC’s listing, from 23 March 2020 to the end of activity on 6 April 2020, 12:00 PM (GMT+8), TZF Exchange will incentivize users who have deposited ZVC with us.

During this promotional period, users will receive 5% of their deposits, up to 5,000,000 ZVC, as an airdrop incentive.

For account balances more than 100,000 ZVC when the promotional period ends on 6 April 2020, they will receive another airdrop incentive at 5% of their balance.

More details of this airdrop incentive can be found here:

What is TZF Exchange doing to promote its upcoming launch?

To promote TZF Exchange’s launch next Monday, we are running TZF Exchange’s Referral Program. For those who have signed up for an account on our exchange through community referral, we would offer 50% rebates for all trades in the exchange, as an Early Adopter Account.

For community leaders who have referred new users into TZX Exchange, on top of the 50% rebate for all trades in the exchange that you already have, you will also receive 50% commission from your adopters. Furthermore, if your adopters have referred another person into using TZF Exchange, you will also receive an additional 10% commission from them.

More details of the referral incentive can be found here:

Important Information to Review:



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ZVChain — DeFi Blockchain To Connect All Financial Services for enterprise use. Follow us at https://t.me/ZVChain_Official