Employees with good mental health

How Does Good Employee Mental Health Impact Organizational Success?

Designing Workspace
5 min readMar 15, 2024


Our emotions are reflected in everything that we do.

From something as simple as sending an email to something as complex as computational coding, the output mirrors our feelings. So, if people are happy, their work will radiate positivity and wholesomeness. In fact, a study by the Social Market Foundation states that happier employees are about 12% more productive than their unhappy counterparts. This indicates that emotions are directly correlated with the performance of people at work.

How Negative Emotions Impact an Organization and Its People?

Source: kmahr

Stress, anger, frustration, burnout, fear, and anxiety are the most prevalent negative emotions people deal with. Let’s look at how these emotions impact the overall growth of an organization.

Impact on Employees

Reduced Job Satisfaction

Negative emotions can erode job satisfaction, causing employees to become disengaged and less motivated to perform at their best.

Decreased Productivity

Stress, anger, and anxiety can impair an employee’s ability to concentrate and be productive. Tasks may take longer to complete, and the quality of work can suffer.

Physical Health Issues

Prolonged exposure to negative emotions can lead to health problems, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and mental health disorders.

Increased Absenteeism

Employees experiencing negative emotions are more likely to take sick days, leading to increased absenteeism and decreased work continuity.

Impact on Employer

Higher Turnover

Negative emotions often drive employees to seek new job opportunities. High turnover rates can be costly for organizations in terms of recruitment, training, and lost institutional knowledge.

Reduced Innovation

An environment dominated by negative emotions stifles creativity and innovation. Employees are less likely to take risks or propose new ideas, stalling the organization’s growth.

Lower Employee Morale

Negative emotions can create a toxic work environment, leading to lower employee morale and a lack of enthusiasm for the company’s mission and values.

Conflict and Tension

Workplace conflicts tend to escalate when negative emotions are prevalent. This can disrupt teamwork, hinder collaboration, and affect the quality of work.

Design Strategies for Creating Mentally Healthy Workspaces

Creating emotionally and mentally healthy workspaces is a matter of strategic investment in employee well-being and productivity. So, let’s delve into the details of how organizations can develop offices that are healthier and happier.

Introducing Natural Elements

Biophilic Workplace Design

Embracing biophilic design principles isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about harnessing the power of nature to nurture employee well-being. The presence of nature-inspired elements such as indoor plants, green walls, and natural stone seatings, can improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and boost creativity. Additionally, this helps people feel a sense of calm and connectedness, contributing to their mental health.

Flexible Work Zones

Flexible Work Zone

Creating a diverse range of workspaces signals that an organization values employees’ diverse work styles. Making spaces for quite focused work and collaboration provides a workforce with the choice to select their work setting. Incorporating an extensive range of pods, coworking desks, cubicles, cabins, and standing desks can promote flexibility in the workplace, resulting in higher job satisfaction.

Ergonomic Furniture

Investing in comfortable furniture safeguards employee health and happiness. Motorized adjustable chairs and sit-stand desks reduce the risk associated with prolonged hours of working such as back pain, muscular pain, and nervous disorders. Organizations can also consider providing breakout spaces at regular intervals where employees can take a walk, relax, and engage with each other.

Customization of Workspace

Allowing employees to personalize their workplace means recognizing their individuality.

This stands as a testament to the organization’s commitment to making employees feel at home. By personalizing workstations and cabins, companies can foster a sense of ownership, belongingness, and pride. When employees feel they have a space that reflects their identity, it reduces feelings of isolation in the workspace.

Spaces for Rejuvenation

Rejuvenation Area at Workplace

Making room for relaxation is essential for employees to feel rejuvenated and maintain creativity at work. Spaces such as cafeterias, indoor games rooms, spas, gyms, lounges, and meditation rooms become havens where employees can engage in stress-relieving activities. Thus, by reducing stress through wellness initiatives, employees can maintain good mental health to perform at their best.

Mindful Use of Color

Utilizing the psychology of colors can go a long way in making employees feel secure, comforted, and happy. Earthy cool colors like blues and greens promote a sense of calm, while warmer tones like yellow and red can stimulate energy and creativity. These colors can be incorporated in workspace through surface finishes such as wall, ceiling, flooring, and furniture.

Access to Natural Light

Access to natural light at workplace
Natural Light at Workplace

Daylighting is one of the key design elements that help in reducing workplace negativity. Introducing windows not only provides a view of the outdoors but also makes a space more cheerful and inspiring. However, if the access to natural light is limited, companies must consider providing sufficient artificial lighting to reduce the feeling of dullness and monotony among employees.

Technology Integration

Technology is the new black and organizations who make the most of it can grow their business exponentially. Especially, with the rising prevalence of hybrid working, using technology has become all the more essential. Integrating digital screens and immersive technologies such as VR conferencing rooms, AI-powered applications, and IoT management systems can help employees feel agile and progressive in their office.

In Conclusion

Creating emotionally supportive workspaces requires a multifaceted approach that includes both design and strategy. In addition to the above-mentioned design interventions, organizations must foster a culture of open communication, where employees feel comfortable expressing their emotions and concerns. More so, they must implement leadership and management practices that prioritise empathy and emotional intelligence. Further, promoting work-life balance and wellness programs that cater to the physical and mental well-being of employees can significantly help.

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Designing Workspace

Zyeta, a prominent name in workspace interior designing, is driven by a team of inventive and spirited young minds. https://www.zyeta.com/