How Green Is Your Office?

Designing Workspace
3 min readJan 27, 2020

Workplace design has seen many revolutions over the years. From traditional office interiors to the millennial’s style, workplace interiors have transformed and how! While over recent years the industry has brought about new design technologies as the future of workplaces, there is also a rising trend of workplaces becoming more sustainable. Yes, with the world facing natural havoc, people are becoming more aware of the damages we have made in the earlier decades. Hence, the best answer to this is to bring a balance in our everyday lives-thereby bringing sustainability to not just our homes but also to our offices.

Companies that intend to become future-ready are beginning to understand the importance of shifting to long-term sustainability options — rather than just dwelling on profit numbers. Now, the employers are investing more in design-thinking to ensure health-conscious workplace designs for their employees. Not just that, they are also devoting a lot of time in sustainable workplace design to reduce the companies’ carbon footprint.

So, how bringing green to offices can actually help?

Adding sustainability to workplace design helps in several ways. It benefits the occupants in terms of health as well as enhances a company’s performance.

a. Sustainability can cut cost: A high-performance sustainable office can enhance its energy conservation and can bring down its utility costs. This can be achieved by making the optimum use of natural sunlight in the workplace area, thus minimizing the use of artificial lights. With proper planning, a sustainable building can also use natural ventilation in the workplace.

Sustainability can also be included by using proximity sensors, energy-conserving lightings in the workplaces.

b. Uplifting employees’ performances: A green office is definitely a healthier office. With the access of natural light, natural air and flexible workplace, the employees will have better health. Several studies have shown that employee’s productivity depends upon their health and happiness. With a sustainable workplace design, a company will have spatial solutions for its employees that will let them have the flexibility to work, have fun and also relax in their offices.

c. Aids in employee retention: Today’s employees don’t just look for good salary packages — they also look forward to working in an amicable work environment. Sustainable offices give their employees a much needed human-centric workplace design that takes care of their health. Staffs that feel healthy and happy at work are the most satisfying ones. Hence, retaining employees become easier when they are fulfilled with the workplaces. This works great in retaining employees and even in attracting new talents.

d. Promotes good branding for the company: A workplace that is conscious about the environment supports good corporate citizenship. By using sustainable materials in the office interiors, by limiting the waste of energy resources and by giving a healthy work environment to the employees, a workplace creates a good brand that contributes to a company’s promotion.

The idea of designing green offices has been there since the 1990s, however, it is in the last decade that the idea has properly reached its application. In the coming future, the idea of green offices will definitely see a bright side with people becoming more aware and responsible for creating a safer and healthier environment.



Designing Workspace

Zyeta, a prominent name in workspace interior designing, is driven by a team of inventive and spirited young minds.