ZYFRA AI-ANTI-COVID-19: Solution to prevent coronavirus spread at production sites

Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2020

ZYFRA AI ANTI-COVID-19 solution prevents coronavirus spread at production sites. The system combines computer vision technology and data transfer from wearables.

Solution aims to:

  • Prevent personnel health damage and quarantine shutdown
  • Avoid financial and reputational losses and staff shortages

The system allows to monitor production safety index using the existing infrastructure

ZYFRA AI ANTI-COVID-19 system architecture

1. Video analytics module

  • Personal protective equipment monitoring
  • Measuring the distance between employees
  • Remote control of an enterprise of any scale

2. Safe distance module: wearables

  • Safe distance violation monitoring
  • Development of individual reports on safe distance non-compliance
  • Vibration alert on safe distance violation

3. Reporting module

  • Production Safety Index at the enterprise level
  • Workforce interaction statistics, including site and working area level statistics


  • Personal protective equipment monitoring
  • Double monitoring over maintaining a safe distance between employees and guests
  • Tracking long-term contacts and targeted isolation of high-risk employees

What do you need to secure your employees and production? Four simple steps:

Secure your employees and production!

Contact us: https://www.zyfra.com/news/media/zyfra-ai-anti-covid-19-solution



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