What is Zygot ERP?

Team Zygot


ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning Programs are an effective way to organize business operations. From HR to business intelligence to supply-chain management to financial management to customer management- ERP integrates all these capabilities or tools into one combined suite of business applications. Such an integrated structure enables all departments in a business to operate with the same information in an organized and seamless manner.

But, although ERP programs are significant for business organizations the existing ERP solutions pose several issues for its user-businesses. In the first place, there is the problem of monopoly where a big provider forces ERP user-businesses to sign up for rigid and overtly expensive ERP solutions.

Besides, it has been observed that 75% of ERP projects succumb to failure mostly due to implementation woes. Given the monopoly issue, users here are compelled to consult these big-scale providers only for any adjustment, implementation or fixes. Moreover, given the centralized nature of current ERP scene, the existing ERP programs are vulnerable to data hacks.

All these together lead to high user dissatisfaction and also create a constant state of a love-hate relationship between ERP providers, implementers, and the user-businesses. Put simply, the current ERP sector spells big-time trouble for user-businesses.

Zygot is a seasoned blockchain based ERP company that attempts to create a fair and affordable marketplace for ERP user-businesses while ensuring data security. The firm has developed a tailored, modular, lightweight, community-based and decentralized ERP solution which is applicable and affordable for all business sizes. This new-age ERP engine is called “ZERP” and it’s based on the state of the art blockchain technology. ZERP is strategically designed by Zygot to transcend the existing ERP solutions to their next stage that will utilize modern technologies like blockchain and smart contracts at their best- to ensure user benefits, fair market, and user satisfaction. Zygot already has an existing ERP software which commands 4,000 clients across 350+ companies. The ZERP engine is powered by the ZYGOT token.

Key Features and Highlights

Powered by blockchain- Blockchain technology creates a decentralized landscape that keeps strong protection to ERP data and makes hacking almost impossible. This technology also assures the solution it powers is scalable, compliant, interoperable and flexible to welcome new requirements. It also allows data sharing across a P2P network.

Better data security-The blockchain infrastructure of ZERP assures no possibility of alteration or manipulation of data by anybody.

Smart ERP engine- ZERP is an advanced ERP engine that assures recognition, acknowledgment as well as cross-sectional data integration of diverse modules. It’s not the case with traditional ERP systems where upgrades or migrations are always rigid and formal.

Open-source ERP- ZERP ERP can be maintained and updated by independent software teams, implementation teams as well as the clients.

Decentralized Community-based marketplace- ZERP eliminates monopoly tendencies by creating a fair and competitive decentralized marketplace. Such a marketplace offers the opportunity for the user-businesses to choose the most compatible, efficient and affordable ERP provider/implementer from a variety of teams.

Modular ERP solution- User-businesses have the opportunity to save costs on ERP by spending on only the parts and modules they will actually need.

Caters to all business sizes- ZERP is able to cater to all businesses, regardless of size. From corporate to micro to SME, it is compatible with all.

Unique Value Proposition

What makes Zygot stand out in the market is its eye for innovation and empathetic attitude towards user-businesses. The company works on enterprise-grade tools and platforms to create cutting-edge, standardized, comprehensive interoperable apps and modules.

The Zygot platform (ZERP) is unique in the sense that it has been structured on a community-sourced open engine. Such an infrastructure extends tools and APIs to allow app developers easy access of enterprise data and building of interoperable applications, enterprise information system and apps for modern mobile devices. Vendors who will count on ZERP’s built-in engine and tools will enjoy less time to market, reduced development costs and a steady distribution channel.


The current ERP ecosystem suffers from several problems:

  • Inefficiency

As mentioned previously, 75% ERP projects succumb to failure mostly due to implementation problems. It has been observed that when a company signs up for an ERP program, the implementation stage asks for certain alterations and adjustments. The implementation teams that do the alterations are not efficient enough always. But the users have no option than to stick to these providers only. It ultimately results in inefficient ERP programs.

  • Monopoly in the market

The existing ERP scene is dominated by the monopoly of one big provider and offers hardly any space for other providers. As a result, user-businesses are compelled to sign up with this one shark only for all their business lifetime of ERP needs- even when they don’t want to.

  • Trust issues among providers and implementers

The ERP providers and implementers are constantly under this misconception that they don’t get the payment they deserve for their job. It leads to trust issues and conflicts between providers/implementers and users.

  • Exorbitant initial and maintenance costs

As mentioned previously, ERP implementation in the current market usually demands certain alterations and adjustments. This means the user-businesses have to shell out a good deal for these adjustments, along with the sign-up and implementation costs. Besides, any radical change in the software tends to be overly pricey. On the other hand, given the monopoly in the existing market, user-businesses have no way other than resorting to the market-dominant providers for maintenance and upgradations. In other words, they have no option to take a comparison study on the quotes and have to agree to the high quotes imposed by the dominating big-shot providers only.

Besides, when the conflict and misunderstanding between providers/implementers and users reach out of control, a mediator has to step in to control the situation. And that means further costs for the user. It especially creates troubles for micro and SME businesses who are usually lean on capital.

  • Data vulnerability

Data leaks and manipulation are quite common in the current ERP ecosystem. It’s mostly because of the rigid centralized infrastructure of the existing ERP programs. In fact, centralized quotient makes the job even more convenient for hackers. A centralized database hosts a storage solution and all the data is stored in that one section. Thus, a hacker here would just have to attack that one central point and he/she will have easy access to all the stored customer data inside the ERP.

Zygot ERP engine (ZERP)

Here is a brief overview of how Zygot’s blockchain based decentralized ERP engine (ZERP) works to solve the problems mentioned above.

Decentralized open-source environment

ZERP’s open-source decentralized infrastructure helps to eliminate misunderstandings and trust issues between providers/implementers and user-businesses. In fact, it also helps to create a fair marketplace for all.

Here is how ZERP works to achieve the above-mentioned points:

  • As the solution is open source, it can be maintained and updated by various teams and the clients. Thus, the clients here don’t have to depend on just one single provider. Their ability to choose from various teams for ERP implementation and upgradation or maintenance helps to create a fair marketplace for them.
  • Users will find a dashboard where they can post feature requests and also declare the number of tokens to be transferred to the implementation team once the feature is implemented. Other user-businesses may also join in and this way the implementation costs can be shared by different parties. It is basically a crowd-funded and crowd-sourced feature request <> implementation mechanism.
  • A combined number of tokens from several users (read clients) will act as incentives for the provider/implementer teams to take up an assignment and give their best to it. Teams will have to stake a specified number of coins as well
  • If they don’t perform properly, they will receive negative marking and the coins won’t be returned
  • This will boost their motivation to give the best and the incentives will also eliminate the misconception that they are not getting adequate payment.

Low cost

Thanks to a fair marketplace, ZERP users will enjoy way lower ERP costs than what they have to bear in the current ERP scene. There will be no need for mediators which means no need to spend on them. Besides, ZERP is modular and it allows users to only pay for the modules they actually want- as per their specific business requirements.

Strong data protection through blockchain EOS

ZERP eliminates data vulnerability issues through its advanced blockchain infrastructure. A blockchain program follows a decentralized module which is impossible to hack and not a centralized module that’s easy to hack. The blockchain technology allows registration of the operational transactions in blocks and any data held in these blocks can’t be manipulated or altered. The technology is immutable and the blockchain portal assures secured chronological evidence for every transaction. Moreover, blockchain protects ERP data with strong encryption and permission-based access.

Thus, a blockchain-based ERP allows user-businesses greater control on data than that is possible with the traditional ERP systems.

Zygot has strategically built its next-gen ERP engine on blockchain and P2P network to ensure enhanced transparency and reliability of crucial things in the ERP modules which was not been viable before. ZERP is superior in regards to flexibility, affordability, and modularity in comparison to existing ERP systems today.

Stay in touch with us by following us on Twitter. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us on Telegram: t.me/ZygotERP

Website: www.zygot.io

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Zygot

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zygot.io/

