Crossroad becomes Comet

Name & Logo

Mathieu Spiry
Zyl Story
2 min readJan 17, 2016


In order to fit the international market the best, Crossroad decided to change its name and to become Comet. It comes from a conversation I had with the CES’s CEO’s wife who confirmed being interested by our concept but hated the name Crossroad. For english, Crossroad has a strong connotation that we didn’t take in account until now. That’s why, after several researches and talks, the team decided to rename the project Comet. Why ? What does a Comet mean to you ?

New Logo
New icon


  • Sign up: You can now sign up with different options: Facebook, Google or with an email address
  • Friends list: The app now uses your phone’s contacts instead of your Facebook’s friends
  • Invite by QrCode: Very cool feature here! Invite many friends in a second, display on you screen your album’s QR Code and ask your friends to scan it with Comet or with any QR Code app
  • Weez: A friend just joined the album but still haven’t uploaded his pictures? Send him a weez, he will receive a notification asking him to add them!
  • New design: We have changed several screens to simplify the user interface
  • The sync process is better than ever: you won’t miss any picture anymore
  • Many bug improvements

