Should you buy zynga poker chips?

Zynga Poker Chips
Zynga Poker Chips
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2019

For those of us who love playing Zynga Poker online, the struggle to win Zynga poker chips is a real one. As a brand new player, you start off with a nominal amount of Zynga poker chips when you first enter the game and through patience and long hours grinding away at the tables you can eventually build up your stack to a respectable level. Some players even find satisfaction from this journey from a few thousand chips as they reach millions or even billions of Zynga chips. But what about those of us who simply don’t have the time or inclination to sit at our laptops or tablets clicking away endlessly for ages? What about those of us who work long hours at our jobs or care for children and are left with just a small block of time at the end of each day or between tasks that we can enjoy? Should we buy Zynga poker chips in order to skip the grind and fast forward to the part where we get to enjoy the game?

Some would argue that buying Zynga chips gives players an unfair advantage over others who took the time to win them. This argument may be flawed though since whether you purchased Zynga chips or won them, when you sit at the table you have no perceivable advantage over any other players. What you’ve merely done is shortened the time that it took to get to the larger, more exciting big buy-in tables, which are generally more action packed and have a more professional player population. The chips you’ve purchased give you no edge over those who got into the game with free Zynga poker chips provided by the game and the guy sitting across from the you at the table doesn’t know whether you bought Zynga chips or won them. Buying Zynga chips is just another way to those with busy lives to save a little time, which lets be honest, is the only real currency any of us have.

Players in Zynga poker often buy zynga poker chips to play at the big tables.

Take, for example, a busy business executive, lawyer or just about anyone who puts in long hours in their job. After an exhausting day at the office (mentally or physically), they finally come home at the end of the day. By the time they eat, shower, pay their bills and put the kids to sleep, they’re left with a sliver of time in which they can actually sit down and relax and maybe, if they’re lucky, enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet. Let’s also assume that they enjoy playing Zynga Texas Holdem Poker because it helps them forget the stress of the day and drown out the noise of what they have to do tomorrow. Can they really be expected to invest hours upon hours of their precious time grinding it out at the small tables with the hopes of accumulating enough chips to make their way up the food chain into the high roller tables that they enjoy? To reach the level of Zynga poker chips needed to play at these tables they would potentially have to invest days or weeks of play mundane, mechanical playing. Since there is no way to cheat in Zynga Poker, buying Zynga poker chips with your credit card is a time saving alternative for them that allows them to maximize the precious time that they have and spend it the way that they want: playing at the big tables.

The same might not be true for a stay at home mom that has 8 hours a day to kill while the kids are at school. While her job is no less important and essential, she might not assign the same value to her time that the busy professional does. She can afford to invest the time grinding at the smaller tables in order to move up slowly and surely over the course of many days and so for her, spending money to buy Zynga poker chips might not offer the same value as someone who only has an hour or less each night to play.

Should you buy Zynga Poker Chips?

Buying chips in Zynga Poker may not be for everyone and not all players will see the value in doing so. If you have endless free time to kill and can afford to waste it in the game trying to build your stack of Zynga poker chips from zero after a bad beat then more power to you. Or perhaps you are someone who takes pride in seeing your stack of chips increase slowly over days and weeks, regardless of the level of play you engage in. There is something quite honorable in proper bankroll management afterall. Or maybe you don’t have the money to buy zynga poker chips and just play the game using whatever free zynga chips are given to you and that’s fine too.

As with all things in this world, no two people are equal and what works for one may not work for another. Zynga Poker is an excellent way to pass the time, and it has even been shown that playing Zynga Poker can increase intelligence. Play the game however you see fit, whether it involves a few thousand Zynga chips or a few billion. In the end, whether you decide to buy Zynga poker chips or not, remember that the objective is to have fun and interact with new people from around the world in a safe medium instead of a crowded and smokey casino.



Zynga Poker Chips
Zynga Poker Chips

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