AMA Recap ZZZ.Finance with D’va
Published in
13 min readSep 24, 2020

AMA Transcript from D’va:

Thanks to the D’va Community for participating in Ask Me Anything(AMA) with ZZZ.Finance on Sept 22, 2020 Team Leader ( Hamza Al-Shaami ). If you were unable to join the live AMA, no worries. you can read more here.

Hello all glad to be here

Sky Kanekii:
We are glad to meet here:
@Hamza_alshaami @Masterfullydone Hamza Al-Shaami & Emanny team Leader of ZZZ finance

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Hello all ! Pleasure to be here :)

Sky Kanekii:
How are you feel today :
@Hamza_alshaami @Masterfullydone

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
We will be following your lead here :) I am fine Thankyou, I hope everyone is well and has been keeping safe

In my time zone it’s actually deep into the night but otherwise I feel like it’s been a productive day and that’s all one can really ask for.

Sky Kanekii:
I’m happy to hear it 😊, our community hopes to talk and learn more with the ZZZ Finance

So let’s move to segment 1

Could you please introduce yourself and (ZZZ Finance) to us at the first sesion.

I’m Emanny my background is in sales and marketing as well as management as such I help with all of the above aspects in the project.
ZZZ finance in a nutshell is a community driven innovation think tank for the Defi space and beyond with ZZZ performing a main goal of a governance token as well as other expanded utility. With its sub complimentary tokens Naps and Dreams allowing a seperation of risk powers and utility not currently present in other tokens. It’s a way forward with the community and for the community that builds it.

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
My name is Hamza, An introduction of ZZZ, started from humble beginnings as a community based project. It was born from a group of volunteer devs and admins who wanted to build a decentralised think tank and a place where like minded individuals and entrepreneurs could work in synergy and collaboration in their ambitions and wants and needs for strategic financial growth.

Decentralised finance is a break from the centralised financial systems that are plaguing us, what we are hoping to build here is a innovation and ideas HUB.

Currently ZZZ is in a very important moment as it’s in a transitional period from community and volunteer -> to semi pro -> to pro org structure.

We are now leading this push and incentivized to build and develop and scale the team and push development and utility and innovation. That’s my personal role here, to manage, co-ordinate and make sure development is efficient from mechanics to optics, from front end to back, from devs to the community admins. Make sure the flow is efficient as can be

Many startups will have people come in and out in its early foundational stages, each and everyone has played their part and left an imprint in the stones they laid. Now it’s time to develop the structure on top of these foundations that we have laid together as a community.

Think of ZZZ as one giant think tank and human powered ecosystem, built by everyone involved

Sky Kanekii:
Ok thanks for your explanation😊

Some introductory question have already been answered and we will enter segment 2.
5 QuestionTwitter best question comes from the twitter

Sky Kanekii:
Q1: There are many DeFi projects available on the market that even work very similar to ZZZ Finance. So could you say what are the main competitive advantages of ZZZ Finance? What additional benefits and features does ZZZ Finance offer?

From : @Dotaasw

Frankly speaking is our focus on innovation and community first. One can often find projects that have one or the other where they focus on community but they’re lacking long term vision for innovation. Or pet projects of developers who lack any community vision and thus will end up in tunnel vision and all the risks that entails. What sets ZZZ apart at any given and every given time is the mix of both of a community that’s supportive but also driven to not just be another one of the same but create something innovative and unique in the longer term that’s worthwhile. At least that’s how I see it.

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Many defi platforms and projects have all started the same way, copying what works without building upon it and expanding and innovating.

Our emphasis here is not to copy, but to innovate and be a leader in the defi space. We don’t want to play catch up, and I personally don’t see ZZZ as a project that will play catch up medium to long term. We have scaled our back end team and onboarded tier 1 solidity devs to focus on the development of tasks that are now split into teams for greater flow and efficiency.

We are exploring many avenues currently, such as our v1 governance is currently in active development, v2 will be implemented with a gasless tx relay.

We are developing gamification integrated into our farms and ecosystem, we are exploring utility swaps and Dex and also a platform for community members to kick start their token and list within our ecosystem with partner pools !

Our future is looking more and more exciting with each passing day. And as our volume and productivity and adoption grows, we will scale and expand our back end team to reflect and compliment that

Sky Kanekii:

Next Questions!

Q2. Many new projects made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. My question is, how will you manage the project and token to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?

From : @Ayiyu199

In a word: passion.
I see it every day from the community and developers this project is being invested in for a long term innovation not just in a short term but metaphorical blood sweat and tears are being placed into it. While markets will fluctuate as they do we will endure and continue to build innovate and grow so irregardless of the market cycle this project will be a better greater version of itself every time you look at it and compare it to its past. When I see the community and team I can not see it being abandoned and so long as work is being done and innovation is being built the market will inevitably come.

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Many tokens and startups do come and go unfortunately. Especially in the defi space. But I like how you use the term “abandoned” as this is key here. No project will fail unless it’s devs and core team abandon and lose faith in a or vision, and this is the problem that many startups face.

No startup is free from hurdles and obstacles and the best way to formulate judgement on this basis is to evaluate the character of the projects team during “events” and “obstacles”

How does the team handle its issues and problems ? Not many are ready to face these issues. Many give up and rebuild elsewhere.

ZZZ was non different here. We also had our lessons learned through wisdom in early days. But what inspired me and motivated me is the true drive and community ethos of the whole team and project. They continue building, they continue to prioritise making the community whole and making sure no part of our community is ever made incomplete.

This I feel is where we stand out as a community project with core community values. When one of us fall, we all focused everything on collaborative efforts to progress and build bigger, stronger and better

Case In point. We are currently getting our entire ecosystem audited by Certik, one of the most reputable auditing firms in the industry.

If we had plans to abandon the project, we would not be investing so much time, effort and resources into its foundations and future developments and sustainability

Sky Kanekii:
Q3: Does the ZZZ finance finence team have a training and guidance system for newcomers to ZZZ finance? How do you attract and reach them?

From : @uhuy_dedehhiji1

This has actually been a recent and ongoing focus of ours. Not only have we revamped our main site and plan to revamp our websites further to increase ease of use. We are implementing FAQs we have a bot in our telegram channel that can answer most simple questions we have moderators and admins present most of the time and most importantly as a community driven project we have a helpful and knowledgeable community. I know personally I spent my first week in the project answer questions and soon I saw those I had answered answering the same questions for others ect ect. So we’re not just an ecosystem but a community.

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Yes we do, we are currently re-designing our entire front end and ui/ux for our pools. This also includes a learning page and “ZZZ academy” where you will have tutorials, info graphs and step by step guides on how our ecosystem works and how to participate.

Also we have just hired a new lead of marketing, PR and strategy in Jabesi Grey, founder of Crypto University and known by the name of “hardcore crypto” on YouTube. You may recognize Grey from Crypto University, Hardcore Crypto, or one of the other teams the serial entrepreneur has founded or been a part of. So we are very excited to work with him here in the team and enhance our reach, and our educational and awareness structure.

He will be creating video tutorials explaining our entire ecosystem in depth

We want to teach and educate people about defi, not make them enter blindly

Sky Kanekii:
Awesome ZZZ Finance 🥳

Next Questions!

Q4: Can you briefly explain how the top milestones that the ZZZ Finance team aims to execute before the end of this year or going to execute in future, will help them succeed and what ZZZ Finance may look like in 2020 and beyond?

From : @Nikoin12

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Our current goals and developments are as follows

Establishing a Governance System for ZZZ and its Tokenomic Ecosystem in a careful, calculated and fool proof manner. We want to protect the legitimacy of the project’s proposals and make sure (“Humorous” Proposals) don’t waste the time and resources of our community and Ecosystem. This is top priority but it must be done correctly, and it will be.

V1 governance is in active development. The governance system consists of a set of Solidity smart contracts and a user interface for users to submit proposals and vote on existing proposals. We want to get community governance live as soon as possible, so we’ll be launching the core governance functionality first and then adding ZZZ-funded gasless tx relay for ZZZ/NAP holders immediately afterwards once development on it is complete.

Development has begun on viability of an intricate game. DREAM and NAP are aimed to be the integrated tokens where you need certain tokens to advance to new levels (and new pools), spendables for bonuses, and some twists that result in value-add across the ecosystem.
Think of a (real game with boss levels mixed with yeild farming, APY depend on your level in game, lose a boss fight and apy starts back at lowest level. Also integrating NFT’s as in game multipliers / trophies.

Community project onboarding platform
Implementing a community based platform for our members to submit projects to filter into the ZZZ.Finance Ecosystem. Giving members a say in projects we collaborate on for community proposals such as those submitted in our forums to be spring boarded into the ZZZ Ecosystem through Yield Farming Pool incentives and drops to help support our community. This will give entrepreneurial startups a legitimate springboard to kickstart their development.

Utility swaps
We are in active negotiation with other projects to do utility swap integration. This will allow ZZZ to become even more powerful as it will find more use-case outside of the yield farming industry.
Explore Use-case outside of yield farming legitimizes the platform. Utility and legitimacy = moving out of NOT JUST yield farming to full marketing = partnership and utility swap integration

Dreamswap DEX
Explore potential usecase for Dreamswap as a DEX, where $ZZZ holders are airdropped % of trading fees. And where $DREAM is used as fuel for the DEX. (This is only achievable if we bring in Liquidity to the project). This is not the only utility we wish to bring to $DREAM, its utility can be scaled across multiple platforms. Realistically speaking a DEX is a potential goal we aim towards if we can gather enough Liquidity as a collective. We have allowed for the possibility of its integration in the mechanics if we ever captured enough liquidity to go down that path.

Well I certainly couldn’t have said it any better myself.

Sky Kanekii:

Last Questions From Twitter 😊

Q5: Sponsorship plays an important role in building the ZZZ Finance community and ZZZ Finance ecosystem. Can you share more details about the ZZZ Finance sponsorship program? I didn’t understand one that why you need a token for your platform?

From: @robetandre22

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
I don’t entirely understand this question, as sponsorships would fall under promotional partnerships / marketing.

If you are referring to the platform we are developing where projects can list their tokens inside our ecosystem for exposure it would work something like this

Partner comes and submits proposal for partner pools
We asses mechanics for ZZZ or NAP input to their token output pools, this would all vary and be dependant on a project to project basis as every project has different dynamics

To add to this as I mentioned in one of the first answers every token in the ZZZ ecosystem serves an unique purpose and utility a purpose they would be worse at serving were it one token serving all the purposes.

Sky Kanekii:
Questions on segment 2 have been answered, It’s wonderful thank you

We will continue segment 3

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:

And it’s been a pleasure to be here so far Thankyou

Alejandro Urich:
• What exactly is the purpose of $NAP? Will it work the same way as Gas at ETH? Will it be possible to buy $NAP or will it only be a unit of measurement?

• What exactly is the purpose of $NAP? Will it work the same way as Gas at ETH? Will it be possible to buy $NAP or will it only be a unit of measurement?

Nap currently has a purpose as the a spendable token inside the ZZZ eco while more utility is being developed as whole for all tokens nap at its core allows for people to hold ZZZ and still have a method of creating economic activity within the eco.

💥💕ms orpa💞:
I have seen that only 20,000 $ ZZZ will be sold, will there be any restriction so that users do not buy all of them? or can whales buy all the trouble sim tokens?

All 20,000 zzz have been distributed at this point and are scattered about the community as such any buying or selling of them is entirely up to their holders ZZZ is currently truly a decentralized finance community.

We all talk about Positive points/Pros/Good Points & Features of any Project, no one Project tell about there Cons. So can you tell us Honestly the Cons & Lacks of ZZZ?

To address this ofcourse there are cons like there with any given project. If it were a perfect project then developers wouldn’t be needed correct. If I had to say I think it’s largest con is also one of its best strengths and that is that it’s largely in its developmental stage and with that come its inherent risks/rewards and potential.

Alejandro Urich:
• What exactly is the purpose of $NAP? Will it work the same way as Gas at ETH? Will it be possible to buy $NAP or will it only be a unit of measurement?

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
ZZZ — Tokenomics
100% Owned by the community.
No OTC, No presale, no team tokens, or Early Wallets.

Total Supply: 20,000 $ZZZ
Utility: Staking, Global Multiplier, Governance, Dividend Distributions, Liquidity.

Total Supply: 20,000,000 $NAP
Utility: Farmable, Can only be paired to ZZZ, Spendable Yield Multiplier, Staking, Liquidity, Ecosystem Layer

Total Supply: $DREAM (Currently not Capped but will be)
Utility: Liquidity, Farmable, Staking, Ecosystem Layer, + further utility being developed

Faqum Laheri:
How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?

Community is our strength and core we have a thriving telegram and a forum for suggestions and like I had mentioned we often have administrators or moderators present. At its heart ZZZ is just as much about its community as it is about Defi innovation ect.

Razor 👽:
Really, why develop this ZZZ Finance project in the ERC-20 chain if it is known that this chain has various problems and also consumes high amounts of gas? Why not use the TRX chain and thus be equally DeFi?

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:
Eth is where all the market is, you fish where the fish are, you don’t throw your line in an empty pond and expect to start having success

We will also be exploring links with other chains if the need ever arises

Currently, ZZZ is in the development and completion process. Can you introduce the ZZZ roadmap for the next time? How is ZZZ’s development strategy?

Hamza Al-Shaami | ZZZ.Finance | $DREAM:

Sky Kanekii:
Question that Hamza Al-Shaami & Emanny like is already answered

Great AMA Thanks to ZZZ Finance for taking the time to join AMA today.!!

Our AMA session is now over.❗️

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