CertiK Completes Audit of ZZZ Smart Contracts

Sleepy Snorlax
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2020


Leading blockchain security company, CertiK.io has officially completed its audit of the smart contracts that power the ZZZ Finance three token protocol consisting of $ZZZ, $NAP, and $DREAM.

CertiK.io is a leading blockchain security company

The Audit Process

A month-long collaborative audit process was performed between CertiK and the ZZZ team.

The initial audit of the ZZZ smart contracts identified many similar, almost identical contracts, which were reviewed, analyzed, and commented upon by the CertiK Professional Services Division.

The ZZZ Finance team heeded the recommendations presented in the audit report and advanced by refactoring the contracts into their third version, which prompted for a full audit of the newly-modified codebase.

The modified contracts were migrated to a new V3 folder and were found to contain only partial alleviations from the past reports. CetiK’s auditing process includes but is not limited to automated, manual, and excessive line-by-line examination of the entire codebase.

Audit Results

After a series of consultations and implementations based on CertiK’s findings, a final audit concluded that the ZZZ team opted to consider CertiK’s references, updating and securing the audited contracts wherein no major or critical vulnerabilities were left. The contracts themselves have been migrated as new “V3” contracts posted to serve as a basis for future liquidity pools and ecosystem updates.

Full audit results can be seen here

About CertiK.io

CertiK is a blockchain cybersecurity company founded by professors from Yale University and Columbia University. By applying the rigor of proprietary Formal Verification technology on smart contracts and blockchain protocols, CertiK has secured over $4 billion in assets, including many of the world’s top blockchain projects. CertiK’s research is funded by grants from IBM, the Ethereum Foundation, Binance Labs, among others.

Learn more about CertiK at certik.io.

About ZZZ Finance

ZZZ is a community-centered DeFi project by the people, for the people. The ZZZ Finance protocol is built upon three tokens. The governance token $ZZZ, which has a total supply of 20,000 tokens and additional utility including staking, and a groundbreaking global multiplier function. The farmable fuel token, $NAP which provides additional liquidity and staking features while set at a 1:1000 supply in relation to $ZZZ. The yield farming token, $DREAM which will feature upcoming gamification utility.

Learn more about ZZZ Finance at zzz.finance.

