Pool Guide: Yawn🥱

Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2020


Before continuing please watch this video on Impermanent loss when you provide to liquidity pools, if you are not already familiar with the topic:


Step 1: Accumulate ZZZ & ETH

Trade ETH* to ZZZ

*save some ETH for later transaction fees

Use this link: https://uniswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xc75f15ada581219c95485c578e124df3985e4ce0

Click swap. If your transaction fails use higher slippage and/or higher gas.

Here is how to increase fees on metamask: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015488771-How-to-Adjust-Gas-Price-and-Gas-Limit-#:~:text=To%20customize%20the%20transaction%20fee,(GWEI)%20and%20Gas%20Limit.

Step 2: Add ZZZ+ETH to the pool

You can add it with this link: https://uniswap.exchange/add/ETH/0xc75f15ada581219c95485c578e124df3985e4ce0

Add your desired amount. It has to be worth the same since its 50% ZZZ and 50% ETH.

After clicking supply you have to confirm with the next step. Make sure to use high gas or the transaction may fail.

You now have ETH/ZZZ pool tokens! (ZZZ_ETH_UNI-LP)

Step 3: Go to https://pool.zzz.finance/

Unlock wallet then select the Yawn pool


Click MAX STAKE then STAKE to deposit the pool tokens

*if stake doesn’t work after maxing out try to remove a couple of decimals

Well done, now you can Yawn and farm some NAPS.

