The Inception of DREAM

September 8th, 2020: ZZZ Gives Back to the Community
4 min readSep 8, 2020


DREAM was born to complement and provide an extra layer to the ZZZ ecosystem. In its current state, it serves as a compounder and liquidity token, whilst we develop the ecosystem and adopt more innovative utility use-cases for ZZZ, NAP, and DREAM. BTC is digital gold. ZZZ is the digital gold in our ecosystem. NAP polishes that gold and multiplies its yield. DREAM adds a third layer to allow for liquidity pool development by bringing external eyes to the project through attractive emission rates while funding the project and creating additional value to ZZZ holders.

Innovation and building layers onto the platforms is how sustainability and community success is achieved. Now it is time to continue adding and expanding beyond simple yield farming. Enter the exploration and creation of multiple utility vectors for ZZZ, NAP, and DREAM alike, while simultaneously meeting the needs of the community.

Promises Kept

Before diving into future utility for the ecosystem, we believe in the importance of making due on current promises, before committing to new ones. Let’s recap on where we are:


ZZZ was founded on the idea of being community owned, community run. And though there are many volunteers contributing to the efforts towards making the ZZZ ecosystem a success for all, we want to bring governance early. The gasless governance system outlined in an earlier medium article will take some time to complete. Which gives us all an opportunity to decide: Do we want an interim governance system? There are several models of on-chain (with GAS) models of governance that could be implemented and utilized while development of the original governance system is being built. To keep this simple, we will put a Telegram poll up offering two options: Wait for the ETH gas-free governance system, or implement an interim governance solution to allow for proposals to be made by the community for ZZZ direction. You have the power to decide, and we’ll aim to implement the chosen direction.


You spoke. We listened. The community of ZZZ has requested an audit be conducted on the current codebase. Forward movement has begun with CertiK to conduct the audit. And progress has been made to that effect. The expectation is that there should be signed contracts within the week and a speedy, yet secure and accurate, audit will be conducted immediately thereafter. We will keep the community updated on its progress.

Buybacks, Airdrops, and New Pools

As promised from the Dreamswap pools, buybacks will begin on ZZZ, as well as the airdrops. In order to help assure DREAM has stability and sustainability, the UNI tokens with DREAM that are being unwrapped for the buybacks will only have the non-DREAM tokens sold and used for buybacks on ZZZ. The DREAM tokens side will not be sold to alleviate any sustainability concerns, and held outside of circulating supply in the Dreamswap multi-sig wallet. The airdrops will still occur at a random time as per the original plan, and distributed to ZZZ holders. In addition, new pools will be made for the community, with particular attention towards DREAM as the input.


While the outside appearance of the ZZZ ecosystem may be yield farming and distributing rewards to the community, there is much being worked on amongst the volunteer developers in terms of utility and use-case for all three tokens: ZZZ, NAP, and DREAM. In the interest of transparency as a decentralized, community project, let’s dive into avenues being explored:

Gamification: Development has begun on viability of an intricate game. DREAM and NAP are aimed to be the integrated tokens where you need certain tokens to advance to new levels (and new pools), spendables for bonuses, and some twists that result in value-add across the ecosystem.

Utility Swap Integration: We are in active negotiation with other projects to do utility swap integration. This will allow ZZZ to become even more powerful as it will find more use-case outside of the yield farming industry. One such project negotiation is nearly completed, and we are excited to announce it upon confirmation.

Fish Where The Fish Are: You don’t fight the ocean. You ride the waves. We are fully aware of the significance of whether the Sushiswap migration is a success or failure. And, there is no value to speculate on which direction it will be. The value is in preparation for either event. If it is a failure, expect big news from DREAM pool to capture the freed Liquidity tokens there. If it is a success, expect big news from DREAM pool to capture the freed Liquidity tokens there. Either way, we aim to win, and are readying mechanisms to do so.

This will be left to the community to decide. To respect and honor the decentralization governance of the ZZZ ecosystem.

Join us in Telegram to participate in the vote on the interim governance system solution.

Be part of the decision. Be part of the future.


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