Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2020

Dear ZZZ Community,

While the team is working on functionality for the protocol we would like the community to have its input on a very important thing. Starting from today a competition will begin to design a UI/UX for the ZZZ platform. We are reaching out to everyone capable of putting out a slick and user-friendly web design to be implemented in our platform.

We as a team will cherry-pick a top 10 submissions that will suit the current and future infrastructure and let the community vote from these designs.

Bounties for the competition are as following:

1st place: 700 DAI

2nd place: 200 DAI

3nd place: 100 DAI

The competition will run for approximately 10–14 days depending on the amount of submissions.

The designs should cover most of the following device sizes:

Phone 375x812px

Tablet 768x1024px

Desktop 1 1440x900px

Desktop 2 1920x1080px

Desktop 3 3820x2160px

Submissions can be made in any format:

  • Pictures
  • Figma / Zeplin links
  • Codesandbox examples
  • Git repositories

Platform specific elements that have to be included:

Landing page

  • ZZZ-logo
  • USD pricing for NAP / ZZZ
  • Get NAP / Get ZZZ uniswap links / buttons.
  • Unlock wallet / Mobile wallet
  • Links to community media (Telegram, Forums, Discord)


  • Disclaimer
  • Links to Github, Medium, Twitter, email

Main platform

  • Wallet balances for tokens in the platform.
  • Total user claimable reward value and total value locked value.
  • User ETH-address.
  • Close wallet button.
  • UNISWAP links to ZZZ and NAP.
  • Tab functionality to switch between pool categories (like ZZZ and GEMS are at the moment)
  • Pools

Must be presented to the user as easy-to-access and responsive format. Data that is already present on the current pool pages (feel free to come up with your own ideas to add to this):

  • Pool name
  • Pool icon
  • Pool yields and yield dollar amounts
  • Staking amount of total and percentage
  • Rewards accumulated
  • Approve token and approve boost buttons
  • Claim and Exit buttons
  • Staking form (input field, Stake and Unstake buttons)
  • Boosting info button
  • Get {insert pool staking token name here) button
  • Boost multiplier buttons
  • Total boost multiplier
  • Total USD value earned

Assets for used in the current site can be found here:


For more assets, look on the forums.

Submissions can be entered here: https://forums.zzz.finance/t/ui-ux-contest-submissions/322

We are looking forward to your submissions!

