ZZZ Finance: Retired Pool Reward Ejection Notice

Sleepy Snorlax
Published in
Oct 22, 2020

To allow for Snoozer v1 Compensation to begin and in the best interest of the community— ZZZ Finance will be ejecting unclaimed rewards in all retired pools located on pool.zzz.finance and dreamswap.io.

What’s Required Of You

If you currently have unclaimed rewards in a retired ZZZ pool, you are required to claim your rewards, if any, by Friday, October 30th at 00:00 UTC.

After the above time and date, all unclaimed rewards in retired pools will be ejected and no longer claimable.

At 00:00 UTC on October 30th, retired pools will have been retired for anywhere from multiple weeks to over a month. Ejected rewards will be used to support Snoozer v1 compensation, fund future ZZZ Finance pools, and support ongoing development of the protocol.

If you do not currently have unclaimed rewards in a retired pool, then no action is required of you.

Moving Forward

As timers on current and future pools complete their countdown and are moved to the “retired” section, please continue to claim and exit in a timely fashion to allow for proper closure of the pools.

ZZZ Finance will always allow for a reasonable amount of time to pass between the retirement of a pool and ejection of assets in that pool.

ZZZ Finance will always provide announcements similar to the above prior to ejecting funds in retired pools.


Stay connected on telegram at https://t.me/zzzfinance.

