How to Pitch an Idea

Tosin O
2 min readJun 30, 2020



We know pitching can be hard, especially for newer writers, so we at the ÀLAFÍÀ Editorial Team have made a guide letting you know how best to pitch to us.

For a condensed and to the point pitch process, click here if you’re already ready to begin!

Before the Pitch

The most important thing to think about when writing a pitch is, who is this for? In other words, does the pitch fit with the type of content that a site normally publishes? Luckily for you, the scope here at ÀLAFÍÀ is pretty broad. We have three categories: Politik, Media, and The Self and Spirituality. If you’re Black, young, and have an idea that fits into these categories then we want to hear from you! We have a really broad audience, so it would be great if the article is as accessible as possible, so if you have some very academic concepts you’ll probably need to explain them.

Writing the Pitch

When you’re writing the pitch, you’re basically giving a summary of what you have to offer in your article. So we need your general argument, with a sense of its direction and the topics you would be covering. It only needs to be a few sentences (nothing too long!) so we can get an idea of what you’d want to say. Also, any links to previous work would be great, but not a requirement to write for us.

Please don’t send us full articles. It’s not a great use of your time, or ours.

Sending the Pitch

When you’ve got through all that, the last bit is easy. Just send your pitch to, with a proposed headline and what feature page you think would be suitable for it in the subject line. For example, if you wanted to write an article about the album Dirty Computer, you could write — ‘Media Pitch: Dirty Computer and Queer Black revolution’. Then write a few, short sentences about what you will be discussing in your article.

Unfortunately, we can’t offer payment at this time due to our size (we have an entirely voluntary staff), but we hope that we can in the future and completely understand if this is a dealbreaker for you.

That’s it for our pitch guide! If you have any questions send them to or hit us up @alafiapub on social media.

