Let us introduce you: Gökhan Menge

Meet the creative marketing superstar from Istanbul who joined our team recently

AE Ventures
AE Ventures
4 min readOct 4, 2019


First AE Ventures event in Istanbul with more than 70 attendees

Short introduction: who are you and what do you do at AE Ventures?

My name is Gökhan Menge and I just finished my first month at AE Ventures. I’m working as a marketing consultant, yet I also try to utilize all my skillset for AE Ventures.

How does your working day at AE Ventures look like for you?

To be honest, it looks a bit weird for me (as this is my first remote job). I usually wake up around 8:30 am and leave the house for “office”, which is a co-working space in the busiest district of Istanbul, Levent. Then I check Wire for any messages from the team, and my email as we receive emails from all around the globe, which means timezone difference. But I’m so used to be online 24/7, just like everyone in the startup scene. Then I start doing my daily tasks. Currently, I spend most of my time spreading the word for our 3rd Starfleet Accelerator, which accepts applications from blockchain startups until the 20th of October (marketing habit).

What inspires you to work at AE Ventures?

I love blockchain. I love startups. Blockchain Startups! I’m a long-time blockchain enthusiast, as my first “investment” goes back to 2012. Also, I was professionally working in the startup scene for the last 2 years.

Last year, I got in touch with the æternity team, which then directed me to AE Ventures team, to collaborate with them in Istanbul, for our promising blockchain startups. As a blockchain enthusiast, I knew how great æternity is.

What is your favorite part of the job?

The distance between my bed and my office is like 3 meters (if I wish to stay home that day). But as I mentioned, I’m not really a work-at-home person.

Also, the team. It may sound like a generic answer, but everyone on AE Ventures team has been patient and helpful, while I was trying to settle in. I’m the only Turk on our team, but I have Bulgarian heritage from my grandmother. We have lots of common words, food, terms with all Balkans. So I feel like I almost working with a fully Turk team.

What is your favorite way to wind down? How do you recharge?

If you have been to Istanbul, you know about the traffic. I try to use my time spent in traffic to recharge. I usually turn up the volume until I see “max” and listen to my hidden playlists on Spotify (If you ask me, I listen to Iron Maiden. If you look at my playlists, sometimes it might be NSYNC). I’m also an avid gamer and Netflix addict.

Favorite view

If you had to choose one place to travel to, where would it be and why?

Even if I complain a lot about Istanbul, I still love the city. Bosphorus and its view is something you can’t find anywhere else in the world. Getting a cup of coffee while watching the great view is a joy. Other than the city I live in, I loved Amsterdam. What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam.

Which individuals, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most and why?

Ataturk. He is the founder of the modern, secular Turkish Republic (which is questionable nowadays for obvious reasons). As a fun fact: He even wrote a book on geometry. As a Turk, I feel like I owe him a lot.

Michael Jordan. As a former professional basketball player, I grew up watching him. There won’t be anyone like him, ever.

Neil deGrasse Tyson. I’m also interested in astrophysics and the universe. I would love to listen to his ideas, theories.

It looks like he’s focused on some very serious stuff on stage. He’s watching esports game finals

What is your secret talent?

While reading (even my own created content), I have “spidey senses”. I can just feel something isn’t right.

Also, while playing basketball, I was a great high-post shooter. I couldn’t shoot 3s with high percentage ever, but take one more step inside the 3-pt line, and I shoot like 75% in games. Weird.

What superpower would you like to have?

Probably time-travel. But I’m guessing it’s a generic answer.

The ability to mimic sounds would be awesome. I can sing like the singer I love the most, or I can just imitate the roar of a lion to freak people out.

What is your favorite emoji?


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AE Ventures
AE Ventures

AE Ventures is an investment company providing initial funding, acceleration, and advisory support to blockchain startups. Also running Starfleet accelerator