Õpet Acquires US$1.5M Investor Funding from Malaysia’s Genesis on Digital

Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018
Õpet Founder, Wilson Wang (third from right), sealing the deal with Genesis on Digital’s Co-Founder Sree Murthi (second from left)

Singapore, 1 August 2018 — Õpet has successfully won over Kuala Lumpur’s ICO Marketing maestro and investment and blockchain advisory outfit, Genesis on Digital, securing a whopping US$1.5 million in ICO funding for its ambitious blockchain-AI study companion. The deal also included an additional top up option of up to US$1.5 million of Opet Tokens before the end of Õpet’s token sale window, instilling a massive vote of confidence towards Õpet’s ICO progress.

Õpet’s success in securing backing from Genesis on Digital has profound impact on its token sale progress, especially in heightening investor confidence. Genesis on Digital’s expertise and KYC diligence in discerning the diamond in the rough from the rest of the industry’s inflated ICOs has immense crowd-swaying impact. Furthermore, supported by Krishna Ramachandra, Managing Partner of DuaneMorris & Selvam, a global legal firm who is particularly discerning in selecting projects and with their deep expertise and network in the ICO, STO and crypto-currency space, Õpet will be ready to navigate the exciting and uncharted ocean of crypto- markets.

On top of its prowess in ICO marketing and blockchain consultancy, Genesis on Digital also ventures into trust-building and storage security via blockchain-powered safety lockers. It also spearheads other blockchain-based applications including one aimed at education, aligning its expertise and social aims with Õpet’s philanthropic vision to champion inclusive and affordable education for all. Eye-to-eye collaboration has never been more fulfilling.

Recognising Õpet’s Potential: A Groundbreaking Project Ready for Takeoff

With its record of strategically-informed investments, Genesis on Digital holds a reputation as a judicious investor. Its wholesome support for Õpet’s ICO is sure to spur investor confidence and further propel Õpet ahead in its public sale and its ultimate quest to bring forth the vision of education-inclusion.

Private Token Sale

Õpet’s private token sale kicked off earlier last month and will run until the end of August. Early bird incentives for the public pre-sale will be through bonus tokens, computed as follows:

· 20% bonus tokens from 1 September to 8 September

· 15% bonus tokens from 9 September to 16 September

· 10% bonus tokens from 17 September to 23 September.

· 5% bonus tokens from 24 September to 30 September.

The official token generation event will be on the 1st October 2018. Reach out to Õpet’s management team at support@opetfoundation.com for further information about their private sale.

About Õpet:

Õpet is a Singapore-based company, focusing on the development of an AI-companion chatbot that is capable of learning high school curriculum and revision assistance. It also offers a digital companion tuition service to assist in students’ revision efforts, as well as recommend suitable tertiary institutions and courses of study globally via collected user data stored on its unique blockchain solution, facilitating a seamless tertiary/college application and admission validation. Õpet also empowers an accountable way of education-related philanthropy.


About Genesis on Digital:

Genesis on Digital is a blockchain and cryptocurrency consultancy that offers reliable solutions for a wide range of applications such as blockchain consulting and development; end-to-end ICO development and marketing; cryptocurrency development; and digital wallet development. It focuses on offering sophisticated all-rounded development and support services for ICOs, maximising the immense potential of blockchain technology across diverse industries.





Bringing AI and Blockchain Technologies into education, Õpet is revolutionizing students' lives, helping them to reach their full potential.