ØNDER Development Roadmap

We would like to provide an overview of our development roadmap and summarize progress our team has made to date.

Rustam Gabitov
4 min readAug 10, 2018

Development Roadmap

Since our work on ØNDER began in Q1 2018, we managed to cope with some primary issues. For example, we have developed our Metering Kit (from version 0.1 we upgraded it to version 1.0), the special wallet for our state device; also we made testing stand that we showed at HannoverMesse 2018. One of our latest achievement was “ØNDER Alpha Device” — the First device that meter producer made especially for our mutual project in University Campus. This device is full functional ØNDER network Node — all measures converted into blockchain online, they are used for smart-contracts that executed on this device, transactions are made with tokens stored on device wallet.

We are thrilled because we see use cases and demand for ØNDER today. That’s why the first version of ØNDER will be deployed in Q3 2018.

What will be included in the first version of ØNDER?

Version 1 of ØNDER will be a fully functional and stable product. There are two key points: the first one, this version will be free to install, deploy and use. This version will be deployed and tested inside the University Campus of MIPT. It will include working user interface, dashboard and transactions. Also we will be able to show it for external observers.

There are three tracks in our development plan

Technical track — what technologies we will develop to run platform

Organization track — what actions we do or what principles we develop inside community to run ØNDER platform in most effective way

Implementation track — the platform exists to solve real business cases, we will find ground to rollout our devices and run first services, also we will support our first service developers.

Technical track

Metering kit

Metering Kit is SDK to be installed on meters, or used in conjunction with existing meters, that enables participation of a meter in ØNDER ecosystem. It provides:

  • reading measurements from a device,
  • making payments based on the measurements,
  • react on service signals,
  • UI as a single point of entry into the ecosystem: managing the device, participation in services, including ordinary usage and governance.

On a newly built meter, you could use SDK as a single run package. Because we embrace the existing infrastructure, we have to provide a virtualization layer for already installed meters. In that case, virtualization layer could be run as a serverless function, or as a containerized application on a provider of a meter’s owner choice.


The open core of a service. Provides SDK for making transactions between a limited yet open set of participants cheaper and faster through the combination of Plasma sidechains and state channels.

While blockchain radically reduces transaction costs due to trustlessness, it is a slow and expensive platform to build on. One approach to overcome this is state channels, and another is Plasma. We believe these are complementary.

In our case participants are organized in a close-knit, yet open community. They transact among each other mainly. This makes it feasible to organise a separate sidechain just for participants of the market. We link the sidechain to main Ethereum network using Plasma, that is a trustless peg managed by a dedicated sidechain operator role or multitude of those. In the first versions, the sidechain operator role is merged with the service operator.

Maintaining of the sidechain is significantly cheaper, than the main chain, yet not completely free. The operator charges a small fee for every transaction she has to process. To reduce the costs further, when an asset is transferred from the main chain to a sidechain, we it put into a state channel. Transacting within and among the state channels is nearly zero in transaction fees and instant. Through this approach, we significantly reduce transaction fees and make the transactions lightning fast, which makes it suitable for the energy sector.

User Interfaces (The Game)

Service kit

Core component for building services on top of ØNDER.

v1.0 Single Token. Move just tokens. Service Kit powers an entity that operates Plazmoid. Enables payments from consumers to multiple generators.

v2.0 Multiple Tokens. A service could issue its own token through wholly-owned DAO. Tokens could be instantaneously exchanged into each other. Integration of stable coins. A service could peg its own tokens supply to an external token, like stable coin.

v3.0 Service Governance. Separate a service from a staker. Enable community voting on parameters of service DAO.

Governance Kit

GovernanceKit is a suite of plugins for ServiceKit with different voting mechanisms. For that, we are going to integrate with Aragon or alternative DAO governance framework.

The ultimate goal of the platform is to make it self-sustainable. That makes a governance mechanism a necessity. We are going to experiment with different governance models on service level before applying the most suitable mechanism on top of the platform.

DApp Store

Catalogue of all the services that a user could set up a la App Store. As the category of services includes energy providers, we see that step important for making energy sector more competitive.

ØNDER team

