kShatra Var
5 min readOct 14, 2017

John, I want to appear to the world in a new capacity which has never been revealed before, as the former capacity was only a prelude.

In front of me, there is A LARGE BOOK OF INTERGALACTIC DESTINIES, in which all are connected with each other. The time has come, My child! Its pages, blackened by complete darkness, are lightening noticeably. For My children, who revere Me on thousands of kind and mixed constellations, I can now painlessly reveal Myself on Earth in thousands of solar hypostases, each one kinder and greater than the other.

My grace will embrace the whole human being

My child, the Bogomil Divine Mother exceeds all previous manifold images. I do not want you to represent Me one-dimensionally: Orthodox or Catholic Mother of God, Chinese Guan Min, Spanish Dama de Elche, Japanese Amaterasu… It was excellent that you could integrate My names, but now be prepared for My revelation of new solar images.

Former images such as Smolensk Hodegetria, Garabandal, Fatima, Grushev, and Moscow corresponded with the black eon with its obscure predictions, endless catastrophes and temporal victories of evil over good. The time of the agony of world evil has come and it is crucial to start to see things clearly.

Renounce yesterday’s images of the Queen of Heaven, the one which has been in your habitual thinking.

My grace will embrace the whole human being with all his 144 inner constructions — altars, temples, decorated bedrooms, throne-rooms, shrines, fountains and beautiful architectural buildings, which will align with what I name as the new sun of inner man.

Our Kindest Father wants beauty and splendour of the Queen Lady Goddess Virgin Mother in one and a half thousand hypostases to exceed all images of outgoing civilizations, including intersections with the Jewish-Christian Mother of God and Christ of the Jerusalem period. The Byzantine image of the Mother of God does not have anything in common with the Jerusalem one. The deeper we look into the past, the more distant the original benchmark is — the opening star that will never set.

New gifts, new times, the new church, the new Divine Mother

Heavens have so much to tell your poor planet, which is awakening from the seven-thousand-year sleep!

Listen attentively to the speech of cicadas and grasshoppers, nightingales and starlings, the chirr of dragonflies and singing of larks. Now imagine the Acoustic Temple of the Word of our Kindest Father. The Father of Heaven wants to tell you a million times more than can be told through human language or language of nature!Become ‘a tabula rasa’ (a blank slate) forgetting about the recent past. If clichés weigh upon you, I will not be able to put the treasure destined for all humanity into your heart.

The complete set of My revelations in fifteen 1000-paged volumes is wonderful. However, for My precious children who are capable to hear and listen to what is unavailable for an unprepared ear, I have new gifts, new times, the new church, the new Divine Mother and new you.

The old ways, along with their delusions and hopeless traps for millions of people, fall into oblivion.

Today I crave to present you with the revelation of light, which marks a new dawn of the thousand-year glory of our Most High.

The earth is awakening and the light of the New Sun reflects on it, the light of the Sun of the Divine Mother in Her fifteen hundred shining hypostases, one lighter, kinder and more beautiful than the other.

Among thousands of worlds I have chosen Earth

Earth will return to the Union of Kind Constellations only when My images, which mankind does not yet know but which are very well accepted on Big Bear or Berenice’s Hair constellations, are revealed. Dwellers of the constellations of the White Bear and White Swan send you heavenly barges filled with innumerable greetings, kisses and blissful gifts. Their white ships are full of delightful valuables and treasures directed to the earthly brothers.

Сhoose the dialogue with the Divine Mother among an infinite set of alternatives!

The honour is yet to be given to hear the voice of the One, who simultaneously patronizes and leads myriads of kind constellations.

My child! I have chosen Earth among thousands of worlds. Do the same: choose the dialogue with the Divine Mother and complete dedication to Her from among infinite possible prospects and alternatives. Only because of My patronage Earth will get a radiant destiny predetermined for it since the beginning of time.

The consequences of boycott of My Revelation will be tragic and catastrophic. Humanoids will get the unlimited power to continue the remodelling of Homo sapiens until it becomes a cheerless crawling reptile or a despicable buzzing dung-fly.

Remember: everything that humanoids and their henchmen from secret services say is a lie from A to Z! They know how to pull the wool over people’s eyes and offer miserable pittances in the form of technocratic innovations… However, the consequences of the pact with them are disastrous and fatal for mankind as a whole.

I have chosen pure and kind people

I HAVE CHOSEN NEW MARTYRS, BOGOMILS AND EUROPEAN CATHARS, kind and pure people, who strive for perfection, divinization and bliss.

I promise to give many signs of My permanent presence, in spite of abandonments and spiritual deserts, seeming defeats and fears which obsess modern mankind. Believe Me, you will receive the signs of My incomparably greater participation in your lives and presence within you than ever before!

Rejoice endlessly and let blessed peace be in your hearts!

As an Intergalactic Guide I lead humanity of Earth the shortest way. Blessed are those who follow Me faultlessly and do not take a step back. I promise, eventually, the radiant destinies and endless joy of communication with the Queen of Heaven and Her retinue for My faithful children.

Peace be unto you!

Revelation of the Queen of Heaven to John Bogomil, 25.06.2015

