大學教育 v. 職業教育,美國移民局當裁判






H1B工作簽證的特性是一種暫時性的工作簽證(它不是綠卡),而要符合要求該職位必須滿足下列四個條件至少一個:(1) 大學或本科學歷是該職位的通常最低要求,(2) 對於該同領域內類似職位而言本科/大學學歷為普遍要求,或者該職位的工作職務極為複雜且特殊因而只有大學/本科學位擁有者可以擔任,(3)該雇主常規性地要求該學歷作為該職位的必要條件,或者(4)該職位的職務本質極為專業及艱深因而完成這些職務需要的知識必須透過大學/本科學位才能取得。


可是,wait a minute鳩斗馬得,給我稍微等一下,大學/本科學歷是這樣在玩的嗎?(說好得由你玩四年、畢業即失業呢?)










Except for those lucky guys who were born to be or acquired the status of U.S. citizen or green card holder, almost everyone graduating from college or graduate school in the U.S. has experienced the hurdles of H-1B working visa.

The first thing and a good thing to know: H-1B working visa is the key to staying in the U.S.
For countless foreign students who try to pursue their “American Dream”, it is the stepping stone to:
option A- obtaining an employment based green card from an employer, or option B- get yourself a true love/soul mate/life-long partner/possible sponsor (and most importantly, an U.S. citizen,) which means spouse in the legal term.

Given its unique importance to foreign students, the difficulty level of leaping the hurdles of H-1B has become unprecedentedly and unreasonably high under Trump administration, which can be broken down to four parts.

Firstly, you need to find a job (of course, I suppose working visa isn’t for you to jerk off whole day);
secondly, you need an employer who is willing to sponsor you and petition for your H-1B application;
thirdly, you need to pray to Jesus Christ, Buddha, Allah, or whatever god you believe in that you can win the H-1B lottery with success rate getting lower and lower from time to time; and
last but not least, even you are lucky enough to win the lottery, there remains traps in front of lucky people like you. During the substance review procedure, if your company is not big enough, doesn’t make enough money or hire great amount of people (in other word, not “cool”) or for whatever reason that may come up in the reviewing officers’ mind, the lottery ticket you got from burning tons of incense even burning the Amazon rain forest can be wasted entirely by USCIS’s single word “DENIED.” (To comfort you, plus a couple pages of reasoning which are mostly done by copy-paste.)

Among all the reasons provided by USCIS to say “NO, NO, America is not for you,” the most confusing and the most troublesome reason is the challenge as to whether the proffered position is a “Specialty Occupation,” which is the statutory requirement for H-1B visa. The feature of H-1B working visa is not only that it’s temporary but also it must be a position that is qualified for at least one of the following four criteria:
( 1 ) A baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent is normally the minimum requirement for entry into the particular position;
( 2 ) The degree requirement is common to the industry in parallel positions among similar organizations or, in the alternative, an employer may show that its particular position is so complex or unique that it can be performed only by an individual with a degree;
( 3 ) The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position; or
( 4 ) The nature of the sp ecific duties are so specialized and complex that knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree.

These crazily confusing criteria basically means, based on how USCIS interpret and review the petitions, “YOU FXXXING DO WHAT YOU STUDIED AT SCHOOL!”

I have handled a multitude of H-1B petitions and I can almost affirmatively assure you that the kind of occupations that would pass without the authority saying a word are those study field designed for occupation training. For example, accounting major=accountant, law school graduate=lawyer, chemistry=chemist and so on, meaning “Major Matching” to a hundred percent, to the extent that as if you are punishable if you graduate with that major but you get an irrelevant job.

But, wait a minute, is it really what college education about?

I suppose no one would have suggested that college education is just for occupation training. Then why do immigration officers expect any college graduate who just finished a four year baccalaureate degree to study something that would “closely match” their job duties, so close that only “a specific field of study” could fit into the narrow requirement of the position based on its job duties? (Oh yes, certainly that is exactly what they ask for.)

So the question becomes like this: what does the immigration authority believe college education is, and how is it going to shape the job market for foreign students? Are colleges merely occupation training centers that charge expensive tuition fees?

If that is the case, then it’s a fair guess that a great amount of majors should be omitted from the universities in the U.S., including, most notably, philosophy, ethnology, political science, or mathematics, etc.

Let’s be realistic, even among the occupation-training-oriented major graduates, how many of them really get jobs that perfectly-match what they learn from school?

Is the correlation between university and work, besides a few exceptions, that remarkable and important?
Not to mention there are a whole bunch of jobs and positions that would take you a hundred year to come up with when you are in school because they simply DO NOT exist at the time when you are in school!
What’s more ironic, if occupation is so important, then how come some of the jobs would never appear in the list of college major, such as lumber, truck driving, and so on?

So, to this end, what does a bachelor’s degree really mean? And what do we really expect to acquire from this four year study?

Take something really obvious for example: it might not be that impressive for natives, but it has always been quite impressive to me since I received a great part of my education in a foreign system.
In U.S., one cannot obtain a bachelor’s degree in law.
There might be legal studies at bachelor’s level, but it doesn’t mean you can be a lawyer after you get that. If you really are determined to take legal practice for your career, no matter how early of age you determined to do so, you would have to study a major that is kind of irrelevant to law in a college for (hopefully just) four years.
Why? The answer seems quite comprehensible: law school is supposed to be an institution that is specifically designed to deliver career training in legal profession, and therefore what is taught in law school should be specific and targeted, which is something “too dirty (realistic) to be taught” in a college! Shouldn’t our college education remain scholar and purity and refrain from money-talking?

So, what is college really for? If it is not merely for getting yourself a girl/boyfriend, then maybe, we can say with confidence, for the development of critical thinking and the ability to think about the reality and the world.

This kind of college level training never equals job-hunting. Indeed, a real and thorough development of methodology of thinking is definitely more than hundred times important and powerful than occupation training.

Now, let’s see, according to the reasoning of U.S. immigration officers, if you (unfortunately) happened to be studying philosophy in the college, you may wish to pray actively and sincerely to the God and pray for a good chance to marry to someone during the time you are in school, or try to ask your rich daddy/mommy for half a million to throw in the U.S. market for EB5 green card, or you can still try to secure a position in a university or higher education institute that is related to philosophy. Or at the very least, you can try to find a private company that is willing to hire you to do some “philosopher” job. (Don’t forget to make sure the company does have a legitimate business need to hire a philosopher, this is important!)

If you cannot satisfy any of these requirements, then, I must say I feel truly sorry for you dear, but I have to duly inform you the cruel truth, that our great uncle Sam does not welcome you, and please GET OUT!




世界很大,生命很美。對稱和諧的人生固然美妙、錯綜複雜的彩色蛛網未嘗不好。Follow your heart, and walk your way.