iOS App #1 — Record an App in Xcode & Push it to GitHub

To begin with, create a new Xcode iOS App project.

  • Name the “Product Name” & “Organization Identifier“.
  • For the “Interface” field, select “StoryBoard”. (It’s more widely used in Taiwan than SwiftUI.)
  • For the “Language” field, select “Swift”.
  • Click “Create Git repository on my Mac”.

Second, add UI components from the objects library, such as labels, image views, and buttons, to the interface builder.

  • cmd + shift + L: Open the objects library.

Third, start the simulator, and then record the App.

  • Save as .gif or a video.
Demo of my 1st iOS App
  • Source: How to record an App in Xcode?

Finally, save the latest version and push the project to GitHub!

  • Save the latest version: click “Source Control” → click “Commit” → select modified files → enter commit message → click “Commit
  • Push the project to GitHub: In the “Source Control navigator” section, click the 2nd icon, and then click “Repositories”. → right-click the project → click “New xxx Remote” → click “Create”
  • Source:

The link below is my first iOS App project! 😎

