#177 串接歌詞 API

串接歌詞 API 顯示歌詞。


  • 串接歌詞 API。

歌詞 API 的格式如下,歌詞資料庫以英文歌為主。

https://some-random-api.com/others/lyrics?title=how long will i love you

API 回傳的 JSON 範例如下。

"title":"How Long Will I Love You",
"author":"Ellie Goulding",
"lyrics":"How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I can How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to Wash up on the sand How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you As long as you can How long will I give to you? As long as I live through you However long you say How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I may How long will I love you? ",
"disclaimer":"What the API returns is not guaranteed to return the right lyrics or have a matching title and author.",
  • 畫面上顯示專輯圖片,歌名,歌手,歌詞和網頁連結的 button。

點選網頁連結的 button 時顯示網頁,網址是 JSON 裡 links > genius 的內容。

  • 加入 search bar,可輸入歌名搜尋歌詞。


  • 串接 iTunes API,利用 JSON 的 previewUrl 播放音樂。

iTunes API 的格式如下。

https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=how long will i love you&media=music




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