【Sherry’s Leadership Story】小我14歲的應徵者問我身為主管, 對於”PUA”的看法

Sherry Hsieh
3 min readOct 30, 2021

I got asked what my opinion of “workplace PUA” is by an interviewee.

一個周一的下午, 我面試了一位很陽光的女孩, 她應徵我部門裡數位行銷職位, 我們談的很愉快, 最後我問她有沒有問題要問我。

"有的, 我想問, 你如何看待職場PUA?" (PUA 是中國網絡用語)

我笑著回她: "我要請妳先定義妳心中的職場PUA 是什麼? "

她是這樣解釋PUA 的:

"舉例來說, 我是老闆, Sherry妳是我的下屬, 為了控制妳, 我不斷打擊妳的自信, 告訴妳妳有多笨; 或是妳有創新方案的時候, 我怕擔責任而不願意讓妳執行, 卻也給不出任何有用的建議; 萬一妳的案子成功了, 我會說是我的功勞, 妳失敗了, 我會把過錯都推到妳身上。這就是我認為的職場PUA。”

我再次給她個微笑, 接著回答她的問題:

"謝謝妳解釋職場PUA 定義, 我很開心我們在第一次面試階段就可以聊到這個話題, 可以幫助我們互相了解對方。我的領導風格是盡全力支持我的團隊。對我來說, 大家是同一個團隊, 身為主管我有責任要告訴大家我們團隊的願景以及中短期目標, 讓大家理解這些願景跟目標背後的意義是什麼, 我們為什麼要這麼做, 先確認大家對於共同願景跟目標的認同一致。

達成目標有很多方法, 包含妳例子中說的創新方案的情況, 我們會針對方案中的優缺點進行討論, 評估風險值以及可調整的方向, 包含投入與產出是否值得, 風險是否在可控範圍內, 以此去找出最適方案。

最後我們評估並決議執行後, 不管成效為何, 我認為身為主管的我要負起承擔的責任, 用白話文來說, 就是我不會在方案被指責的時候, 將責任都推到團隊身上, 既然我是主管, 我同意了方案的執行, 那麼我就應負起全責。希望這樣有回答到妳的問題。"

Monday afternoon, I interviewed this bright young girl, who was interested in our digital marketing position. It was a pleasure interview till I asked if she had any questions for me.

She asked me: “What do you think of “workplace PUA”?

(PUA is an internet phrase commonly used in China young generation.)

I smiled: “Please tell me what your definition of workplace PUA is?”

Here was her definition:

“For example, I am the boss, and you are my subordinate. To control you, I keep telling you that how stupid you are to crush your confident. Or you have a creative idea that you really want to operate but I disagree without any useful comments. If you succeed with that creative idea, I take over the prize; if you fail, I stand in God’s view to criticize you.”

I smiled again.

“Thank you for explaining your version of workplace PUA. I am glad that we can talk about it at interview basis.

My leadership style is giving full support to my team. Clearly to say, as a team, it is extremely important that we share and understand the same goals and values. In my team, first thing I do is to make sure everyone understands our missions and the reasons why under the missions. The reasons are why and how we set up our short- and long-term goals.

To achieve these goals, there are many ways to get there, including the creative ideas that you mentioned in your example (smiled to the girl again.) When a team member comes up a new idea, we would discuss the pros and cons, to evaluate how much outcomes we could get compared to efforts we have to put in. Of course, I will also take consideration in how much the risks we could take and put it on the discussion table with every team member.

Last, when we evaluate and decide to go for it, I let my team know that I am as a leader, fully responsible for the results. I hope it answers your question.”



Sherry Hsieh

15年跑跳紐約,胡志明市,台北,廣州,上海的行銷天秤女, 除了分享工作心得, 更愛探索有趣的生活小事。LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/sherryhsiehmarketing