A Guide to ESG Certifications for Individuals — CFA ESG vs GARP SCR vs CESGA vs SASB FSA? Which ESG certification is the best?

Shunryu 迅狐
Finance Career Coaches
8 min readJan 31, 2023


Why study for an ESG certification?

  • Everyone knows ESG is trending in the financial industry. But, how exactly?
  • Listed companies are now required by some stock exchanges to disclose of ESG data. For example, the HKEx has required Hong Kong’s listed companies to publish ESG reports alongside their annual reports since 2022. This also means in-house and external accountants and auditors now need…



Shunryu 迅狐
Finance Career Coaches

Hongkonger 香港人 | Bilingual Writer 雙語作者 | Financial Analyst 金融分析師 | Top Uni Master 曾經學霸 | IELTS 8.5/9 英文導師 | Career Coach 職涯教練