Scot D. Davis
2 min readApr 20, 2017

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World Wars

You can find several studies by what initiated World War 2. One of the most well-known opinions is that Hitler wished much more territory for you to develop Germany. Looking for an explanation to start a war along with invading Poland, but not looking it to show up that he started it, Hitler staged the Polish attack on Germany. This would justify Germany’s counter-attack and the incursion of Poland.

On Aug 31, 1939, within Hitler’s control an Himmler’s resourcefulness, a small gang of German Nazis dressed up in Polish outfits breached a German radio station. They forgot a dead prisoner from an attentiveness camp also dressed in any Polish uniform, making it resemble he died in an episode on the radio station. On September 1, Germany announced war on Poland. Ignoring alerts from Great Britain and France to take away their very own soldiers from Poland, Germany carried on their intrusion.

Two days later on September 3, both Great Britain and France proclaimed war on Germany. This particular series of events started off World War II. Later, the war would serve as a mask for Hitler’s holocaust and genocide of Nazi’s truest opponent, the Jews.

The United States entered the conflict when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The very next day, the United States reported war on Japan and on Dec 11, declared battleship on Germany.

On June 6, 1944, nearly 150, 000 members of the military invaded the shores of Normandy. D-Day, as it was known, was the western Allies largest amphibious invasion throughout world wars history. Before the month of June was ended, more than 850, 000 Americans, British and Canadian troopers would occupy Normandy. UNITED STATES General Dwight D. Eisenhower named the attack about Normandy “The Great Crusade.”

On April 30, 1945, Hitler, together with his long-time mistress, committed self-slaughter and about one week later; Germany surrendered, putting an ending to World War II. The end of World War II was the beginning of an era known as the Cold War which could continue for the upcoming 50 decades.

Over 100 million government personnel participated in the battle making it the most prevalent warfare in history. Around 72 million people lost their life including 47 million people and 25 million army people.

20 million fatalities were from war connected starvation and illness and Four million prisoners of warfare past away in POW camps. This astronomical loss of life toll would make World War II the deadliest battle in history. It was not only serious with a large number of casualties. It had also been known as the most expensive war, priced at approximately 1 trillion $.