Archive of stories published by Nowsta

Three reasons events companies should link time tracking with scheduling

This article originally appeared on Insights by Nowsta.

In an earlier post, we looked at why having an electronic time and attendance solution is so valuable to events companies.

The hidden costs of paper timesheets

This article first appeared on Insights by Nowsta.

It’s well known that tracking employee hours manually on paper timesheets is an unpleasant process. Pestering staff to submit their time and deciphering unclear handwriting is nobody’s idea…

Are there fees for using NowstaPay?

NowstaPay makes your earnings available when you want for a 2.9% fee. Email us at for a more detailed breakdown of the fee.

How can I see what I have earned for the year?

Log into your NowstaPay account. Upon logging in successfully, you will see a list of your current earnings with a link to your past earnings. Click on Past Earnings to view of all your events to date.

Does Nowsta accept prepaid cards as a valid account for direct deposit?

NowstaPay will accept any debit or credit card if it is connected to a bank account and routing number. Please check with your bank service if they accept ACH transfers from wage disbursement services.

How do I add a bank account?

Your employer will send an invitation to NowstaPay after working a shift. In this email, click the Accept Money button to begin the registration process where you can log into your bank account or enter it manually.

These were the top 10 stories published by Nowsta; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2016, 2017.