【外商履歷進階篇 I 】STAR原則 3 大狠招,點燃履歷爆點,人資想不看都難!

7 min readJan 31, 2020

【外商履歷入門篇 II 】中,已經簡單介紹過黃金「STAR」原則,你可以運用該原則來梳理經歷的順序,建議先去看看那篇文章喔!



· 情境(Situation):Set the context for your story。在履歷上,就是經歷或是工作職務的簡單概述。· 任務(Task):What was required of you。撰寫工作職務中,你主要負責的工作或角色。· 作為(Action):What you actually did。具體寫出你特別的一兩件特別事蹟。· 結果(Results):How well the situation played out。簡單來說就是你達到什麼樣的成果。

接下來,實際看看如何使用 3 個公式,活用黃金「STAR」原則。

1. 基本公式: S + T + A + R (適用於一般工作、社團、專案經驗)

大部分的經歷都可以按照這個邏輯順序去撰寫。若履歷過長,則可合併因果關係較強的兩點合併成一點撰寫,如 Situation + Results。

· 情境(Situation):簡單介紹公司業務(特別是中小公司),若是社團等課外活動,則可以簡單描述活動內容與規模(建議以數字呈現)。· 任務(Task):具體寫出主要職責或是負責的項目內容,最好填寫與應徵工作相關的職務內容,展現專業能力。· 作為(Action):具體撰寫「你為公司創造價值」的實際作為,建議至少寫一件事蹟。這點是凸顯你為公司帶來的額外貢獻(相較於其他職員),這是決定你是否與眾不同的關鍵。· 結果(Results):呈現具體且數字化的結果。此部分可以單獨列出、統整一項經歷的總成果;也可將因果關係較強的結果,直接接在對應的 S、T、A後撰寫。


· 情境(Situation): 
Held a 3-day camp for a total of 100+ students in a rural elementary school.
· 任務(Task):
Managed the whole event and supervised over 50 staff and performers.
· 作為(Action):
Created an interesting promotion at school and attracted participants to increase from 20 to over 100.
· 結果(Results):
Attained students' satisfaction rate over 90% and acquired another collaboration opportunity through referral.

2. 進階公式 I: T + ( A ) + R (適用於行政類工作)

· 任務(Task):若過去的經驗或是應徵的職位屬於行政類,這部分會非常吃重,因爲它展現你對這類工作的熟悉度以及專業度。· 作為(Action):若在行政類工作中有做出創新或特別貢獻,例如:提高工作效率、優化工作流程等,一定要寫上!若沒有特別的事蹟也沒關係,但如前所述,這會凸顯你的差異化。· 結果(Results):呈現具體的結果,建議能以數字呈現工作效率,或是運用具體例子呈現質化成果。可參考文章末的3大撰寫要點。

進階公式 I範例 :前台接待人員

· 任務(Task): 
Maintained the order at the front desk and welcomed average 50+ foreign guests a day.
· 作為(Action):
Developed a new standard operation process to streamline the guest check-in process, which reduced check-in time by 50%.
· 結果(Results):
Answered 40+ calls a day and tackled 80% guests' phone-in problems.

3. 進階公式 II:A + R(適用於特殊事蹟)


進階公式 II 範例 :

· 作為(Action)+ 結果(Results):Executed a digital marketing campaign with 6000 emails collected and 350 fans gained, accomplishing 170% KPI

現在你知道如何使用黃金「STAR」原則來撰寫經歷,但千萬記住以下 3 大撰寫要點!

第 1 點:善用「 強動詞 」


❌ M̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶o̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶➡️ Developed a standard operation process.


第 2 點:數字取代形容詞



❌ Provided after-sales service with high customer satisfaction rate.

➡️ Provided after-sales service with customer satisfaction rate over 85%.


❌ Proposed a promotion project for Cha-Li Bank, of which the marketing campaigns were rather creative.

➡️ Proposed a promotion project for Cha-Li Bank, of which creative marketing campaigns were highly praised by the Marketing Director.

第 3 點:具體!具體!再具體!



❌ Planned media strategy and analyzed online marketing campaign results.

➡️ Planned media strategy and analyzed online marketing campaign results, including LINE@, Facebook, Google, Yahoo.


❌ Collaborated with several teams to develop an internal tool that streamlined the check-in process.

➡️ Collaborated with tech team and sales team to develop an internal tool that streamlined the check-in process.

你已經掌握黃金「STAR」原則的 3 個公式,以及 3 個撰寫要點。現在再審視一遍每個經歷,你會明顯感受英文履歷的專業度不是「大大提升」, 而是 「有效提升 80%」。





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