0Chain 2021 Updates: Approaching Fuji Launch & Recapping a Successful Year

Chad Hanson
Zus Network
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2021

Happy 2021! As we swing into the new year, 0Chain continues to prepare for MainNet launch Fuji. As we anticipate our launch later this quarter (Q1 2021), we want to take a moment to reflect on the achievements of this past year and also look ahead to what is coming soon.

2020 Recap


  • This past year, we launched our BetaNet platform which enabled us to further our development of 0Chain Network and applications. Throughout this time, we publicly released 0Box, 0Wallet and 0Stor for community testing. We want to extend a thank you to our community for the feedback they provided us, enabling updates to be implemented for future use. Keep reading for more info on the upcoming releases of our apps!
  • 0Stor enables developers to leverage 0Chain’s dStorage solution to match their storage needs. Several key updates to this platform along the way included the implementation of anonymous sharing, encrypted uploads, and locking/staking features.

Oracle x 0Chain:

  • Over this past year, our community has seen significant updates regarding our partnership with Oracle. 0Chain has continued to develop both it’s public network while also continuing to work alongside Oracle to offer private network options for enterprises. 0Stor private, available through OCI marketplace, enables enterprises to leverage 0Chain’s customizable storage solutions on a private network.
  • In addition to the ability for enterprises to integrate 0Chain technology through OCI marketplace, Oracle has continued to show their support of our platform. As noted in numerous blog posts, 0Chain demonstrates its role in CCPA/GDPR regulations and new Schrems II ruling.
  • As noted by Mark Rakhmilevich, senior director of Oracle Blockchain Product Management:

“0Stor Data Protection Platform with Oracle Blockchain Platform solve the challenge of private data storage with access auditing that is a cornerstone of many privacy initiatives, such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California. Transparency and immutability of access records is an important confidence-builder for users and can be a critical factor in any audits or lawsuits. 0Stor demarcated storage is a powerful solution for data privacy protection, and it can now be extended to provide blockchain anchored access records using Oracle blockchain.”

Code Release:

  • After 3 years of continuous development, the 0Chain team published the 0Chain Repo. This mothership repo contains over 3300 commits, 90k lines of code, and 72 branches. The codebase includes all smart contracts, enables users to start blockchain from their laptops, and enables developers to Conduct automated Byzantine system tests & can add their own. To check out our code base, please visit our GitHub.
  • Interested in developing or being a service provider for 0Chain? Check out our Call for Developers article for more info and resources on how to get started!
  • Developer Blockchain Tutorial Playlist: includes information on how to setup the blockchain, 0dns, blobbers and stake capacity for blobbers:
  • Developer Storage Tutorial Playlist: helps developers use 0Chain dStorage using zbox and zwallet CLI. These videos show how to create a wallet, allocation with preferred storage providers, lock tokens in write/read pools, and upload/download a file. Check out the complete playlist of tutorials for more info on how to create/cancel allocations, fix files, and more.

Ethereum Integration:

  • Earlier this year, 0Chain successfully completed its Ethereum integration. As updated on the 0Chain GitHub, developers can now access code which enables them to upload metadata to Ethereum. With this application, users can upload data to Ethereum but also interact with 0Chain blockchain. This allows third-party users to verify that data is uploaded to improve transparency.

2021: What we are working on & what you can expect next

MainNet Launch: Fuji

  • As noted in a blog by 0Chain CEO, Saswata Basu, we anticipate our MainNet launch to take place this quarter. While the team continues to work at finalizing updates to the network, applications and codebase, we are getting close!
  • Prior to MainNet launch, you can expect the release of our 0miner repo, enabling external miners and sharders to join our network. We anticipate the release of 0Box and 0Wallet for a final round of community testing prior to finalizing the products for MainNet. Finally, Byzantine tolerance test and load test suites will be released. We have a bunch of them done already and upon release, hackers can add new ones as we progress along, and get rewarded for identifying potential test suites that have not been covered and for finding bugs. In addition, we have a repository that conducts stress testing to make sure the performance of the blockchain and storage platform is optimal for heavy load conditions.

Enterprise and Crypto Partners

  • While we know the community is eagerly awaiting more info on our enterprise client, Saswata and Feebs both continue to share small updates on this progress. The Fortune 100 partner will use 0Chain as a data lake platform and launch smart contracts on MainNet, enabling us to also reel in other enterprises to use our network.
  • Toward the end of 2020, we announced a partnership with Fetch.ai, enabling Fetch.ai to scale its autonomous agent functionalities via 0Chain’s proprietary data storage solutions, unlocking new services and opportunities across the Web 3.0 ecosystem powered by the FET token.

“Secure, privacy-focused decentralised storage is a vital part of any of the decentralised applications built using autonomous economic agents”, commented Toby Simpson, co-founder of Fetch.ai. “Being able to connect agents working in mobility, supply chains, health-care and more directly and so easily to 0Chain’s storage solution is a fantastic step forward.”

  • We anticipate the announcement of more partnerships soon! Make sure to subscribe to our Telegram Announcements Channel and Twitter to stay up-to-date with the latest news.
  • As announced last year, we look forward to providing updates to our community about our current partnerships with the likes of Cryptonite and Showcase as they continue to develop their platforms.

Website Updates

  • Coming soon, you will see updates to our website including a new roadmap, re-designed layout to improve user experience as well as updates to our team page.

AskFeebs: The 0Chain Minute — January 2021 (Part 1 & 2)

  • Recently, 0Chain Directors of Operations Derick Fiebiger and Mo Siam teamed up to answer community questions and provide an inside look into what the 0Chain community can expect in 2021. Check out the videos below and make sure to stay tuned for part 3:

Make sure to follow us on social media and join our channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

