
Many companies have an outside-in approach to branding. They develop their reputation and image first, but their relationship with the customer never goes much deeper.

What today’s customers want is an inside-out approach. They want companies to reveal what they care about and are willing to fight for on behalf of their customers upfront. They want companies to put their soul and values out there as a part of their brand promise.

Getting executives to agree on what their Brand Values and Brand Soul are is a challenging task. But the best place to start by asking leaders what their Brand Felonies are.

Brand Felonies are the lines you won’t allow others to cross without a fight.

Defining these brand felonies — which differs per company — makes the job of articulating your Brand Values and Brand Soul so much easier to triangulate

Read more here.

Graphic diagram of the Brand Sphere starting with the Brand Reputation on outer ring, going to center of Brand Soul.
Diagram: Kevin Kelley



Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA
1-Minute Business Tips

I’m a retail architect that studies human behavior, perception, and decision-making. I’m fascinated with the intersection of where commerce and community meet.