Go to 10 million bad ideas*
10 million bad ideas*
Parenting, politics, tech: you know, the stuff you’d rather not think about.
Note from the editor

The posts found herein are musings nobody asked for on a variety of topics. Collectively, they represent what I’m thinking about or trying to find humor in. I am old enough to know that the two main forces of human life on earth are Fear and Happiness. The first is something we are born with and rigorously nurture with the ironic evolutionary logic that to avoid things is to stay alive. The second is something we are also born with (have you ever seen a baby who is unhappy for reasons other than hunger or nap-needing?) but largely look for everywhere else but within. These are deep thoughts, I know. The point of raising them here is to admit they rule my life. I’m fearful of many things and don’t feel as happy as I think I should. In a broad sense, this site is an attempt to face Fear and explore Happiness, since writing makes me happy but I’m perpetually afraid to do it.

Go to the profile of Brian Farnham
Brian Farnham
Content strategist at Google, husband, dad of four, thought-haver who is getting too old for this shit.