Go to 10 to 300
10 to 300
With 10 word muse , write a story no more than 300, including original 10, meaningingfully distributed. Offer your creative submission in the notes section by clicking plus signs at right margin. Give next 10 word challenge if you like. If enjoyed, I’ll put you in the collection
Note from the editor

With 10 word muse , write a story no more than 300, including original 10, meaningingfully distributed. Offer your creative submission in the notes section by clicking plus signs at right margin. Give next 10 word challenge if you like. If enjoyed, I’ll put you in the collection

Go to the profile of Fox Kerry
Fox Kerry
If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.