Go to 100 Days 100 Ways
100 Days 100 Ways
Stories of people making positive change in their lives, a day at a time. No rose-tinted retrospectives forgetting the tricky bits. Inspiration and effort as it really happened.
Note from the editor

Stories of people making positive change in their lives, a day at a time. No rose-tinted retrospectives forgetting the tricky bits. Inspiration and effort as it really happened.

Go to the profile of Andy Taylor
Andy Taylor
I want to learn. I try to grow. I’d love to help.
Go to the profile of Ian Higginbottom
Ian Higginbottom
I help school principals and executives build the interaction skills of collaboration and leadership. I help leaders have powerful conversations.
Go to the profile of Deanne Duncombe
Deanne Duncombe
Coach, facilitator, writer, learner in life. I help people who are stuck to become unstuck. More about me: https://leadingandbeing.com
Go to the profile of Michelle Middleton
Michelle Middleton
Health manager. I write mostly about business analysis, dentistry, wellness, healthcare, and economics. Pug & Frenchie mum. 🐶
Go to the profile of Maxwell
English/Psychology student, austic, agender trans man. I write both satire and serious, but usually somewhere in between.
Go to the profile of Kirsty Kendall
Kirsty Kendall
Topics: Autism, ADHD, mental health, fiction, funny & weird stuff. Visit my website: kirstykendall.com
Go to the profile of Brittney Anne
Brittney Anne
I have nothing nice to say about myself right now. Check back soon.