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Day 66–100 Days 100 Ways To Becoming An Online Course Instructor

A day of thinking and planning

Deanne Duncombe
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2021


I love creating workshop content. I love getting lost in it. I love being creative. I love helping people to see life just a little bit differently.

This project is about me finding a way to get past the barrier of accepting money for a workshop. However, today it was the opportunity to create new content that spoke to me the most.

And that’s how I found myself, still in my PJs at 2 pm, designing a workshop called How To Say No When Saying Yes Seems So Much Easier.


The knowledge that I found useful today was mostly from Day 65:

  • Offer transformation
  • Focus on what the participants want to learn
  • Create goodwill throughout the workshop by consistently providing offers of content and experience in return for the time of participants
  • Less is more — don’t overwhelm participants

I started by focusing on what transformation might be expected from a participant in a how to say no course.

What is the transformation that people will expect from this workshop?



Deanne Duncombe
100 Days 100 Ways

Coach, facilitator, writer, learner in life. I help people who are stuck to become unstuck. More about me: