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100 days of algorithms
100 days of algorithms
100 days, 100 algorithms - a challenge consisting of many small pieces
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Day 99: Simplex

Linear programming is an area of mathematics that deals with the simplest form of constrained optimization problem — linear program. And simplex should definitely be in your toolbox if you are serious about algorithms.

Day 98: Romberg integration

Romberg’s method to find a definite integral combines two formulas, extended trapezoidal rule and Richardson extrapolation, to get a good approximation in relatively low number of steps.

Day 96: Floyd-Steinberg

Floyd-Steinberg dithering is a truly magical technique. It is supposed to fool your eye and brain to make you think…

Day 94: Earley parser

Yesterday I have implemented an algorithm that directly relates to an implementation of parser for formal grammars. Today I have implemented the parser itself.

However, I have no use for yesterday’s work since the parser is not SLR [as you might have expected]…


If you plan to implement own parser for a context-free grammar, construction of FIRST and FOLLOW sets will be the first algorithm you will have to spend your time on.

And since definition of formal languages and grammars is much more complicated than we need at…

Day 92: PCA

Principal Component Analysis [PCA] is incredibly useful when you need [among others] to visualise high-dimensional data. It’s also very…