DAY 57: Ecological Restoration- Revolutionizing the Dining Table

By Maria Christina S.Guerrero with Ibu Nissa Wargadipura, Jakarta, Indonesia, 15 October 2017

Maria Cristina S. Guerrero
5 min readOct 31, 2017


In the PARARA festival 2017, a festival promoting local, fair and sustainable economy, Ibu Nissa Wargadipura will present a Day of Learning by speaking on the topic of “revolusi meja makan” or revolutionizing the dining table. She will speak on changing the pattern of consumption from instant food to nutritious local food. It is surprising that in the villages, many no longer use fresh spices but use instant spices which are far from healthy. This is a step backwards in a nation that is known as the Spice islands! Ibu Nissa will be speaking at the PARARA Festival 2017 to an estimated audience of 50 people from the youth to government representatives and local community members.

The slight woman of 45 years was late to arrive and the last to speak at the PARARA festival promoting local food, ecological restoration and health. Despite her lateness, her sharing gave the most resounding impression of the need for ecological restoration in ensuring food safety and food security in this world.

Nissa Wargadipura and her husband built the Ecological Islamic boarding school (pesantren) called Ath Thaariq in 2008. Ath Thaariq means “Caring for the Earth, Caring for Others, Caring for the Future”. It is a school amidst rice fields which has been the laboratory for learning for Nissa’s students. In the boarding school they practice the model of agriculture which cares for the environment. Students are also taught to process food and to know nutrients and properties of processed food.

Nissa sharing ecological practices at the Islamic boarding school

Nissa professes that with the restoration of ecology, nobody has to suffer poverty. There is no need for exploring large scale industry if we go back to traditional farming and forestry which she calls “kebun talon” that can provide our food and help restore the earth. Pesticides make the earth dry and susceptible to erosion. Local seeds don’t need a lot of water and special fertilizers. In Ath Thaariq the only things that are sourced outside of the fields of the boarding school for food are oil (which they could have from coconut oil if they were closer to the coast) and LPG (gas) everything else from tubers to spices, to grains are sourced within the “pesantren” farm.

Nissa shares that the health of today’s children are compromised by the contents of instant food. This can be easily corrected by restoring small plots of land near one’s home and planting food for the home. Revolutionizing what we eat starts with healing the earth. It starts with everyone, especially our children.


1. Erna Rosdiana, Director of PKPS-KLHK (Area Preparation for Social Forestry- Ministry of Environment and Forestry)

Erna was impressed with Nissa’s sharing and how she has imbibed principles of ecological restoration through the unique model of building an ecological Islamic boarding school. After hearing Nissa’s presentation, Ms. Erna wishes to apply the agroforestry concept as presented by Nissa within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, especially in the social forestry program. So far over 1 million hectares has been allocated to local people/communities for this program but this agroforestry concept could be a model to develop the lands and restore them while at the same time making sure local people eat healthy and that they generate an income from their lands.

2. Arihadi, Program Officer- RECOFTC- Indonesia

Pak Arihadi was moved by how Nissa was working to change the mindset that mono-cropping, single crop systems are better for families and for the planet. She should be commended that she is able to teach about biodiversity and sustainability in a far flung Islamic boarding school. Her message that we do not have to sacrifice the environment for development is very important in today’s times. It is important to support her cause in capturing the value of local products in influencing the mindset of those that do not believe in the importance of diversity and sustainability.

Pak Arihadi sharing his impressions about the session and Ms. Nissa’s message of biodiversity and food security

Ibu Nissa Wargadipura (45) is an organic farming activist who teaches eco-friendly farming in Garut, West Java. As a young activist she championed the cause of the farmers taking on agrarian issues in her youth. As part of the Pasundan Farmers Union, she initiated organic farming in the Bayongbong District and many farmers switched from using chemicals to organic fertilizers. She also fought for women’s rights and women’s role in agriculture production. In 2008 she and her husband established the religious boarding school Ath Thaariq meaning “Caring for the Earth, Caring for Others, Caring for the Future”. It is a school amidst rice fields which has been the laboratory for learning for Ibu Nissa’s students. In the boarding school they practice the model of agriculture which cares for the environment. Students are also taught to process food and to know nutrients and properties of processed food. More than 750 people have studied at Pesantren Ath Thaariq. Among the alumni, a few have also established similar models like Ath Thaariq in their home villages. Ibu Nissa has been recognized for her work by the women’s magazine Nova as an Inspiring woman in 2015. Similarly she also received an award from Bina Swadaya as a green entrepreneur in 2015.

About 100 Days of Learning

Age of Wonderland 2017 presents 100 DAYS OF LEARNING, a global learning event to exchange valuable life experiences with peers. Doers and thinkers from around the world — innovators, scientists, engineers, artists, designers, social entrepreneurs — are invited to share their personal stories, ideas, and practice, not to be found in textbooks. Aim is to rediscover knowledge, challenge beliefs, and exchange life lessons with others. To make the world a better place, we need to embrace change on an individual level, and inspire others to do the same.

#onehundreddaysoflearning #ecologicalrestoration #pesantren #revolutionizingthediningtable #revolusimejamakan

