Debate thoughts: HRC 60/100

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readSep 27, 2016


26 September, 2016 | Index

Dear Hillary Clinton,

Gerard Mclean here, from Englewood, Ohio, just north of Dayton. This is the sixtieth letter of one hundred I am writing you on health care; one for each day between your nomination and your election. The previous letters can be found in your USPS mailbox or online at

Wow! I watched you debate your opponent for ninety minutes without interruption tonight along with 100 million other Americans and who knows how many foreign nationals from other countries around the world. Your performance was exceptional and taken as seriously as expected and hoped for from someone seeking the highest office in this country.

Your opponent appears to have not prepared as well. I’m not sure how that will play out in the long term, but forty-two days is not a lot of cramming time for the job.

I was disappointed to not hear health care being discussed. I can guess at your opponent’s plan; repeal ACA bigly. We both know that is not the answer because — like trickle down — it didn’t work then and won’t work now. I hope we get to hear your plan for expanding the ACA in more detail during the next two debates.

Expanding the ACA needs to include SinglePayer, MedicareForAll, UniversalCare. With health care jobs growing as the economy expands, it appears the sicker people get, the healthier the economy gets. To me, that says economic health is riding on the back of sick people. That certainly is not a sustainable policy.

I hope you agree.


Gerard McLean
cc: Sen. Sherrod Brown





Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.