100HRC Letters Index

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
3 min readJul 29, 2016


This will just contain the index of the 100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton. The letters will be organized by day in descending order, so you can follow along easily. I guess the best way is to follow; I will try to send out an email letter with the previous letters every Saturday. Not sure how we will do that index really, because Medium is really so bad at organizing things neatly, but I’ll figure it out.

Anyway, you can always just come back here. I’ll put the link at the top and bottom of each letter.

The Book

The book is out, on Kindle and in print. I suggest print because once you have it in your hands, it becomes an indelible record of this stuggle that cannot be clawed back or re-written.

I’m also recording all the letters, posting each on line as I record it (the 🔈 on the index link below.) When I’m done, I’ll assemble it into an audio book, along with other commentary… probably.)

While the election is over, Hillary Clinton is not president and the 100 letters have been written and sent, I’m just getting started. Health care is universal, regardless who is POTUS.

Thank you for coming along with me and allowing me into your space.

Kindle version is cheaper but the print version is more “real”

The Letters

Nov 8 | Nov 7 | Nov 6

Nov 5 | Nov 4 | Nov 3 | Nov 2 | Nov 1 | Oct31 | Oct 30

Oct 29 | Oct 28 | Oct 27 | Oct 26 | Oct 25 | Oct 24 | Oct 23

Oct 22 | Oct 21 | Oct 20 | Oct 19 | Oct 18 | Oct 17 | Oct 16

Oct 15 | Oct 14 | Oct 13 | Oct 12 | Oct 11 | Oct 10 | Oct 9

Oct 8 | Oct 7 | Oct 6 | Oct 5 | Oct 4 | Oct 3 | Oct 2

Oct 1 | Sept 30 | Sept 29 | Sept 28 | Sept 27 🔈| Sept 26 | Sept 25

Sept 24 | Sept 23 | Sept 22 | Sept 21 | Sept 20 | Sept 19 | Sept 18

Sept 17 | Sept 16 | Sept 15 | Sept 14 | Sept 13 | Sept 12 | Sept 11

Sept 10 | Sept 9 | Sept 8 | Sept 7 | Sept 6 | Sept 5 | Sept 4

Sept 3 | Sept 2 | Sept 1 | August 31 | August 30 | August 29 | August 28

August 27 | August 26 | August 25 | August 24 | August 23 | August 22 | August 21

August 20 | August 19 | August 18 | August 17 | August 16 | August 15 | August 14

August 13 | August 12 | August 11 | August 10 | August 9 | August 8 | August 7

August 6 | August 5 | August 4 | August 3 | August 2 | August 1 | July 31 🔈

July 30 🔈| July 29 🔈



Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter http://amzn.to/1xxlLZB @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.