Guardian angels: HRC 79/100

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readOct 16, 2016


15 October, 2016 | Index

Dear Hillary Clinton,

Gerard Mclean here, from Englewood, Ohio, about ten miles north of Dayton. This is the seventy-ninth letter of one hundred I am writing you on health care; one for each day between your nomination and your election. The previous letters can be found in your USPS mailbox or online at

One of the more human things that happens when you undergo sustained medical treatments like IVIG, is you form bonds with the nursing staff. When my doctor took me off IVIG, he did somewhat abruptly, so I never had the chance to say goodbye in person to the nurses you took care of me.

I sent them this note in a card. I hope it was enough, but I knew it wasn’t. Nothing will ever be enough for what they did for me.

I believe that there are moments in a person’s life God sends us angels when things get too hard to bear alone. You were each my guardian angels this past year, easing me through my challenges, even as you struggled with your own. Thank you.

My heart hopes we meet in the future but my head tells me we probably won’t. That makes me sad, but I know you are intended for others whose needs now far exceed mine. They are the lucky ones because you each are intertwined in their life story. You will always be a part of mine.

We are losing our humanity in the sea of medical codes, fee for services and the heartless process of bill collecting on the sick and vulnerable. We need SinglePayer, MedicareForAll, UniversalCare so when we do get sick, we have the time and space to be grateful for the human beings who went into medicine to care.


Gerard McLean
cc: Sen. Sherrod Brown





Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.