Millennials have figured this out: HRC 63/100

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readSep 30, 2016


29 September, 2016 | Index

Dear Hillary Clinton,

Gerard Mclean here, from Englewood, Ohio, just north of Dayton. This is the sixty-third letter of one hundred I am writing you on health care; one for each day between your nomination and your election. The previous letters can be found in your USPS mailbox or online at

Apparently the media thinks you are not doing well with Millennials, that your message isn’t resonating as well as when Bernie Sanders was saying it. I have two Millennials, 31 and 25, and I can tell you what they want.

They mostly don’t want to see their parents destroyed by GOP-led policy that continues to gut our resources. They don’t want to see their parents being ground into the dirt by astronomical health insurance premiums, co-pays and OOP. They do not want to be the health insurance burden their parents carry for nine more long years after they’ve reached the age of adulthood thanks to the ACA. They don’t want to look their parents in the eyes on Thanksgiving and Christmas and see desperation. They do not want to see tears of stress and fear in those eyes.

Millennials want to contribute as full citizens. They want to be valued as adults, not forever-children treated by their government and country’s economy as their parents’ dependents. They are tired of taking because that is all that is available to them.

Millennials are a generation that are closer to their parents than you and I were to ours. Maybe we chose it for them; maybe it was the rough recessions they have endured that made them realize families are stronger together than apart. Whatever the reason, to endear Millennials to you, you’d better start taking care of their parents as well. For better or worse, we come as a package deal.

We need SinglePayer, MedicareForAll, UniversalCare. This is not a generational thing as the generational divides that Madison Ave created for us are rapidly falling apart. We are all one generation in a larger circle of life. Millennials have figured that out.

Have you?


Gerard McLean
cc: Sen. Sherrod Brown





Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.